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Sudan Tribune

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Another rebel leader rejoins South Sudan government

October 30, 2011 (JUBA) – A rebel leader who rebelled against the government of South Sudan last year has decided to rejoin the government and vowed to work to achieve peace and development in the new nation.

Sultan Abdel Bagi Ayii Akol (SMC)
Sultan Abdel Bagi Ayii Akol (SMC)
The former presidential advisor, Abdel Bagi Ayii, who returned from Khartoum, declared his intention to rejoin the government during a meeting with the Vice President, Riek Machar Teny, in his office on Saturday.

According to the Vice President’s Press Secretary, James Gatdet Dak, the meeting discussed the importance of resolving any political differences through peaceful dialogue rather than taking up arms.

He said the former presidential advisor expressed his willingness to surrender his forces, some of which got stranded in North Sudan, for assembling and reintegration into the South Sudan’s army.

The meeting also discussed issues pertaining to the rights of Muslims and their properties in South Sudan.

Ayii is also expected to meet soon with the President of the Republic of South Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Another rebel leader rejoins South Sudan government
    why do Mr Riek machar met with this old fashion man call Abdel bagi Ayii?
    this old dog is a shame to his family and to our Dinka communities?

    He is so lucky now to met with our vice president Riek Machar instead he should be meeting with lower ranking leaders not with top leader. kiir must not meet himeither.
    shame on him/ death to him. what a foolish old dog with greedyness.

  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    Another rebel leader rejoins South Sudan government
    Dear Dinka boy

    All of us we need peace among us,let commard Abdel Bagi conduct peaceful reconciliation with Vice President Riak Machar,or you don’t Mr.Riak because of being Nuer,you’re supposed to stop tribal mentelity,we want all rebels to be in Juba for betterment of this nation,seem you want only thieves in Juba to be in the government,what is bad for Commard to be in Juba?Is he not u uncle?

  • Bush

    Another rebel leader rejoins South Sudan government
    You are welcome Sultan Ayii, because you are too old to fight for 21 years and the NCP is also broke to sponsor your rebellion.Don’t make Muslims in South to sound more marginalized, we stay and eat with Muslims at home, we don’t want Nigeria Boko haram style here, OK? enjoy the peace.

  • Pan-nywele

    Another rebel leader rejoins South Sudan government
    It is even surprising when i heard that an old fox called Abdel Bagi Ayii Akol has come back to he national government of south Sudan,it is embarrassing when useless people like him do useless things like what he did,anyway,people will get rid of him very soon,he is at the late hours

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Another rebel leader rejoins South Sudan government
    Dear Reader

    Ayii look old why he is disturbing himself to be arebel leader,better for him to come home amd give advise to the new generation.


  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Another rebel leader rejoins South Sudan government
    Welcome Mr Abdel Bagi for rennouncing of violence to rejoins the Govt.But the Government of South Sudan should be clear with those Rebels on that term of integration is unacceptable conditions.to take army against your own Government for no cause with unorganized army. later will come back with condition of incorporating into national army.This system will take us nowhere.

  • Brother Billy
    Brother Billy

    Another rebel leader rejoins South Sudan government
    You are very correct my brother, such people are not supposed to come back to the South which the abandoned till we achieved our Independent in their absence for they don`t know what the future of their children entail. To discourage such political flexibilities, we need to be 4getting who ever does it at all. It is clear that he is an Arab(being adviser is not easy)

  • twins

    Another rebel leader rejoins South Sudan government
    Dinka Dominated Spla

    Do you have any respect at all. Im pretty sure your not his age to curse him that way. If you have respect for your dad and mom, you wouldn’t have cursed at old man like that. RESPECT YOURSELF PLEASE!!

  • Baring

    Another rebel leader rejoins South Sudan government
    Good Old man. you have tried to be a Rebel leader but it is not easy job my dear. you have made a good decission. you better dai a hero than to kill your own people. If i was you i will change my tribe from Denka to Foodenka.

  • BM Bol
    BM Bol

    Another rebel leader rejoins South Sudan government
    This is NOT worth reporting. Abdelbagi Ayii Akol is a useless old man. Even his sons didn’t agree with him when he declared his so-called rebellion. He’s no army as the report claim.

  • gotutu

    Another rebel leader rejoins South Sudan government
    it really very difficult to describe our politician , what does it mean to come with many civilian who are not trained and they integrated to SPLA.in 2005 he came with many soldiers including his family members who he commissioned as officers.what had happened again?

  • Alier42

    Another rebel leader rejoins South Sudan government
    “Shame on you and the entire family.we all knew before that you only wanted to creat bad history to your family,to be in the bush fighting is a very risk mission,the like of Athor and SSLA group can affort because they are used to bush life ,and on the other hand ,they had a claim which make sense.

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