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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement

By Toby Collins November 3, 2011 (LONDON) – South Sudanese rebels claim to have captured Nhialdiew, 35km from the Unity state capital, Benitu, and to have inflicted significant troop loss upon the South Sudanese army, despite its alleged collusion with UN forces.
South Sudan Liberation Army troops (BBC)
South Sudan Liberation Army troops (BBC)
The South Sudan Liberation Army / Movement (SSLA/M) rebels released a press statement on Thursday claiming 125 soldiers from the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) have defected and joined their ranks; 50 have been killed; and 30 wounded. The statement also accused the UN mission in the area of supporting the South Sudan army saying that the continued, illegal support of the SPLA will result in the UN becoming a ‘legitimate target.’ As the rebels approach Rupkona, they ‘warn all the civilians, UN and NGOs to vacate the area as soon as possible’ in their fight to ‘liberate our people from corruption lords in Juba.’ Rupkona is of the north bank of the Bahr el Ghazal river and is connected to Benitu by a bridge. South Sudan state authorities confirmed 70 people died in Mayom, Unity state during fighting between the SSLA and SPLA on 28 October. The SSLA/M claim that the conflict is taking place with the illegal involvement of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) which ‘lends its vehicles to SPLA army in order to be used to attack the SSLA, […] gives fuel and accommodation to SPLA officers in UN compounds, [and use] UN helicopters to transport SPLA soldiers to attack SSLA forces.’ The rebel movement further accuses the SPLA of using human shields during a recent conflict in Mayom. The UNISS mandate requires forces to maintain security and allows for the use of defensive force. The SSLM state that the support of the SPLA is a ‘political decision’ with ‘no justification’ and that UNMISS forces in Unity state have ‘become a mercenary force’ of the state governor, Taban Deng Gai. On 27 October the SSLM urged the UN and NGOs to leave the areas they planned to attack. They claim that this strategic disadvantage was incurred in order to achieve ‘adherence to the spirit and the letter of Resolution 1996,’ under which UNMISS operates in South Sudan. It cites inequity in the UNMISS approach as it did not intervene or condemn ‘the burning of 8,000 homesteads by the SPLA army in May in Mayom County’ and alleges that the former state commissioner, Charles Machieng Kuol Wur, lost his post for his disapprobation of the incident. On 24 May Kuol made the same allegation to Sudan Tribune regarding SPLA burning civilian properties belonging to supposed rebel sympathisers The SSLM claim the president of South Sudan, Salva Kiir ‘established a tribal state where his clansmen dominated power in a way worse than Arab domination of the old Sudan.’ This has included the ‘looting of $4.5 billion’ from the South Sudanese coffers. Indicative of Kiir’s decision to ‘abandon democracy,’ the SSLM believes is increased involvement of China in South Sudan and a ‘secret military pack with Cuba to send weapons and trainers to South Sudan.’ SSLM also makes the accusation that ‘Somalis who shared businesses in South Sudan with Gen. Kiir’s family are financing Al-Shabab.’ Al-Shabab is a fundamentalist Ismalic militia from Somali which has carried out terrorist attacks in neighbouring countries. The SSLM statement does not offer any evidence for the claimed link with Kiir. (ST)

Attached documents


  • omoni jr.
    omoni jr.

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    Ala!! These kids are really desperate for unchievable victory
    in Unity state,leave alone entire south sudan,the rats will never proceed to the capital city of Bentiu.
    ahahhaha,they linked Our president with Al -QAEDA of somalia,
    hahhaa, even flies can laugh to death..
    They were taking arms against the government without a clear philosophy of war effectiveness. Nuer alone are Not affected.

  • omoni jr.
    omoni jr.

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    let me tell rat or cockroaches who made more noise about UNMISS in south sudan. They are there to protect civilians and
    they are there because of they signed UN mandate with Juba administration,which is well recognizable by international communities. UN does Not know who are SSLa Nuer!!

  • Bol Pur
    Bol Pur

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    I am surprised that this so called rebels in Unit state have no cause of rebellion. I know many people are addicted to rebelling and later on given chance to eat. If they are fighting because of corruption why are they killing innoncent people in Unity State why not going to Juba.

    They are the one being supported by Khartoum and Khartoum is supporting Al-Shabba in Somalia.

  • Alier42

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    Congratulation to SSLA fighters for their victory ,you will in Juba in the next few days to come.you are engaging in battle with incompetent army,do away with those UN forces, if they do not know their mandate ,then teach them a lession that they will not forget in their life time.if UN is comfortable with bad governance in Juba ,which mean their work only base on protection of their monthly salar

  • Nuerone Mafitabu
    Nuerone Mafitabu

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement


  • Alier42

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    @ Omoni jr
    SSLA is not a movement for Nuer ,it fighters come from all the ten states of south sudan ,people who do not want the previaling corrupt goverment in Ross, that can not provide basic needs to their citizens ,who were tirelessly supporting them during the war time.

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    Dear readers
    It’s good time for Nuer to kill themselves like what they did to others neighboring states in some years back ,please
    Advance to (LEER and (Nyal) to kill your own peoples and destabilize them,
    Congratulation to fools who have railwayline on their foreheads .

  • omoni jr.
    omoni jr.

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    hahaha,@ Alier42,
    Comes from ten states of south sudan??
    Are you dreaming my brother?
    Apart from Dinka-Nuer World, some communities in south sudan lost a lot of lives.
    So, it time for “dog fighting”
    No one care about that,they are just sub-human anyway.

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    SSLA Causing civilians Displacement without REAL ideology is mounted to War Crime and Crime against humanity. These Rebel groups in UNity, Jonglei and Upper Nile will one day wilface Ocampo Court beleive me.

    Threatening legimate Governement by waging War against Civilians is not acceptable.

    SSLA/M must be a terrorist Group funded by Terrorist Governement in KHartuom call NCP.

    Called ICC t

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement

    these Men are only Two tribes in South Sudan.Typically Nuer and Shilluk who are not easy to be convinced. Instead of development, they thinks Jihadism is the Option as they were fool by Khartuom supplying them with Landmines, Weapon to disturbe Population and depopulated the Nuer and Shilluk area inorder to use by NCP Terrorist.
    Looks How do ousted the Government while,there must mod

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement

    Where did u get those Names? you must be mad or Dreaming of Day light mares.

    Look, Advancing to Juba and Killing UNMISS in Unity State wll be not tolerated.

    Keep your words, South Sudanese are watching your foot print. This shows you are A Terror GRoup, why target UNMISS Peace Keepers? Please Your own People but never involve Foreigners into your mess.
    Juba is far from reac

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    Alfredo,do not attack the Nuers’ personalities for they are great worriors of all times.not all Nuers who are supportive of this dirty war in which the Nuer civilians are the ones dying.
    Rebels to cease this unpopular war and embrace peace to avert the suffering of the common men in the state.

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    Alier names seem so common from one of the sub-tribes of the south sudan whose mothers have been gang raped by the same rebels which are now trying to overthrow juba in their dreams.why are you againist your army which defended your own people when they were killed ruthlessly in 1990s by the same group that you are supporting head to toe.shame on you Alier42.

  • Arkangelo K.k. Chawul
    Arkangelo K.k. Chawul

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    Nuer is known as one of the warrior amongst the warrior tribes of South Sudan, and those other warrior tribes are brave than Nuer but they do not kill their own innocent women and children.In fact foolish can be fooled-by clever minded
    Keeping fighting yourselves and other states will by pass your states in development and peace. God is not sleeping because it is said what goes around comes aroun

  • Alier42

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    @ Michael Miyom Minyil
    i an sorry to pick up your arguement ,you claimed that my mother was gang raped ,yes the circumstances forced her to be gang raped .what about your mother who is commercial sex worker at the streets of Juba in order to get the daily breat for you.so we are trying to help your mum to abandon such a rich behaviors.

  • Alier42

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    @ Omoni jr
    I can not blame you ,because you came from the community where a person can compromise his/her right,because if you do not so ,then Dinkas will not be in good terms with you ,i am a Dinka who is against the marginalisation of people like you.so you must support SSLA for your better future.

  • gotutu

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    we don,t care , let them kill themselves to give chance to Panaru

  • amokraanthiec ooyee
    amokraanthiec ooyee

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    Thank bro.for that comment,you are only Nuer wiz brain

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    Alier42,that is another circumstance too such as yours but in realities not because juba is not only home for all and may be your ‘M’ is for commercial purposes.i am for no to that war because killing even a mad person is a carriligious sins.
    Advice your militia group to get out of that town.Have good time Alier.

  • mon-mandhal

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    Bad for u to wish them disappearance all.becoz thier present can help u in ather way around. they re not obsticl to Panaru progress.

  • Baring

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    Dear all

    Please do not belame Alir42 for his comment. He is exercised his right of speach so let him say what he want to say. might be he is not happy with something in Juba or the way our country is heading.

  • Alier42

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    @ Michael Miyom

    i did air my political opinion ,then you initiated to attack my mother whom do not know ,and when it comes politic i can not side with you even if you are Dad,we may have so many conflicting ideas,but that one does mean we end up abusing each other ,i know education had got no limit ,but self-discipline is it limit otherwise ,we call it a day.

  • Sir Bleak
    Sir Bleak

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    Dear readers, it is good that you have exhaust the debate regarding this maniacal Rebel movement, but you have left some of the stones unturned and those stone are;
    Gluttony,Laziness,Demonic and Illiteracy.

    Sir Bleak the analyst.

  • John Costa
    John Costa

    South Sudan rebels claim clash victory and allege UN involvement
    @ Alier42,

    That is strange comment there, What democracy is for? We should be able to compromise in order for us to live together. Why always we have to be violent in claiming our rights.

    Even if the our oppressor is violent, we should resist with civil disobedience not with gun barrels. War will only bring humiliation and destruction.

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