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Sudan Tribune

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Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs

November 17, 2011 (JUBA) – South Sudan lawmakers should consider reviewing term limits for the presidency, which was excluded from the country’s Transitional Constitution as well as the recently endorsed draft Elections Act 2011, the Carter Center has said.

The organisation, which is run and founded by former US President Jimmy Carter, said term limits for all office-holders, particularly the president, should be considered during the review of South Sudan’s permanent – due to begin in January 2012.

“Another key issue to review relates to the number of times one can contest for the presidency. The Transitional Constitution eliminated such term limits for the presidency and the electoral law is similarly silent,” it notes.

The Carter Center, in a November 16 statement, also urges lawmakers to review the president’s power to dismiss elected governors and state legislative assembly members, in event of the declaration of a state of emergency.

Specifically, it advocates that National Legislative Assembly members should consider whether this power can be limited with additional checks to avoid abuse.

South Sudan currently has more than 382 members of parliament split between the National Legislative Assembly (332) and the Council of States (50), reportedly making it one of the largest legislatures in the world when compared by population of the country.

According to both the Transitional Constitution and the Elections Act, however, members of the Council of States will not be popularly elected, but shall be elected by members of the State Assemblies. Alternative structures, the Center says, could be considered to ensure that members of the Council of States are directly accountable to the people.

Meanwhile, the organisation described South Sudan’s “inclusive and consultative” approach in the recent drafting of the National Elections Act 2011 and the Political Parties Bill 2011 as important steps towards achieving a firm foundation for the country’s legal system.

The Center urges the county’s lawmakers to begin the process of reviewing, debating and eventually pass these two laws before its final endorsement by South Sudan president.

“With a new transitional constitution in place, it is critical that the spirit of inclusiveness continues as the Republic of South Sudan takes additional steps to form the foundation of its legal system as a sovereign country,” partly reads the November 16 statement.

The Center specifically thanked the country’s justice ministry, which reportedly led efforts to conduct a series of consultative forums prior to the drafting of the two laws, and both the president and vice-president office for having played key roles in the political meetings.

This inclusive participation, it argues, is an encouraging sign that the southern government welcomes a wide range of input and views on the key laws in Africa’s newest country.

However, for South Sudan to meet the globally accepted standards and practices essential for election conduct and political parties’ activities, the US-based Center strongly advocates that both laws be carefully immediatelyreviews and considered.

The Center cites the appointment procedures for the National Election Commission (NEC) and the Political Parties Affairs Council (PPAC), provisions for dispute resolution, and the right to an effective remedy as some of the keys issues that require review, before the eventual passing of the two laws.

It says, “This will help ensure that the two councils are best positioned to operate independently and that there are clear dispute resolution procedures to ensure that all stakeholders enjoy the right to an effective remedy.”

In addition, citizens and civil society actors have been urged to provide input to the Elections and Political Parties Acts. The National Legislative Assembly is also set to hold public hearings to seek input on the draft bills.

“The deliberations and hearings held in the National Assembly would benefit from additional public information on the draft bills to publicize ways in which citizens, political parties, and civil society organizations can become involved,” further says the Carter Center.

South Sudan officially adopted its Transitional Constitution on July 09 following its independence, when Salva Kiir, the country’s president endorsed the controversially passed law.

Once passed, the National Elections Act 2011 will reportedly set the rules that will govern the administration of the next elections in South Sudan, anticipated to be held in 2015 before the terms of current lawmakers expire, as outlined in the country’s Transitional Constitution.

The Act, among other things, provides for the formation of NEC; a body reportedly set to comprise of nine members appointed by the president and approved by parliamentary majority.



  • Liberal

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs
    Thanks Mr. Jimmy Carter for your suggestion. i wish government of the Republic of South Sudan will review the constitution.

  • Peter Marko
    Peter Marko

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs
    Go to hell with your advice. The last think we need is an advice from someone who naïve like you. You are hypocrite naïve American president ever elected to the oval office. How could you talk about the term limit in south, while your are supporting and depending Al-Basheir presidency even though he has been in office for more than 22 years. cont…

  • Peter Marko
    Peter Marko

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs
    When Al.Bashier rigged the election, your organization gave him legitimacy by claiming that the election was free and fair. Not only that, your organization helped NCP rigged election in South Kordofan. Shame on you Mr. President, the blood of innocents Nubians is on you. You did not even speak up for the victims, or even voice a concern about what the horrific crime being cimmited…..cont…

  • Peter Marko
    Peter Marko

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs
    …….. against the Nubian people. please do not worry about us, we, the southerners are democratic people by the nature. We are more than capable of ruling ourselves, just wait and see. Which side did you take during the war? You sided with the Al-Bashier regime when we were fighting his regime. Now you come and give us advices of how to rule ourselves. Hell no, go and keep supporting Al-Bashier, an

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs
    Thank you, carter centre we are still on the long road to reach the last point, as a child is sarting primary one,since you the a head country are correcting us like this there will be great change soon.


  • Paul Chadrack
    Paul Chadrack

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs
    mr Mak,

    do you expect you’re uncle to stay in power for ever?, or what are you trying to tell us?. days for decrees and looting are ending soon. can you campare president Carter with this our naive inexperience president which contributed very much to our failing state now,imagine inflation at 71%, with him taking oil dollars to his house bank,a home banker.

  • Acid

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs

    where is common sense in your reasoning? Anyone with human brain would appreciated this advice!

  • $ 10,000,000
    $ 10,000,000

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs
    If the constitution is not reviewed it will create war in the country. That is why international community is watching closely.That constitution portrays an image of dictatorship. That is why the whole world is keeping quite now in the face of many rebellions in the South. Any negative attempt to declare any state of emergency will be countered contrarily.That is not a constitution of a free natio

  • Lokeji

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs
    bro peter,to use the nubians as a scapegoat to keep ur wait president on our throad is not right.RSS have to set a term for any president or otherwise we shall have a non stop kiir presence in our presidency and u know it’s consequencies with be a continous corruption and feeble government that is unable to defence his own people and territory.RSS deserved better president than this cow boy.

  • Dengda

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs
    I appreciated the moved & effort by Carter Center,on top of the list, i would like to see power of president through decree abolish altoghter as it stimulate dictatorship, president now issue decree to dismiss or appoint any one without reason or explanation, this can be extended to states as well to ensure smooth and really democracy and rule of law and more consultation and inclusivene

  • Gunkills

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs
    Carter’s decision isn’t bad. But i also support Peter Marko is statement. Jimmy Carter is been supporting Bashir’s regime for so long during his administration and now also. Carter has hand in the crisis going on in South Kordufar which Gave Bashir teeth in Blue Nile state now.

  • Gueth Bidok
    Gueth Bidok

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs
    Term of presudency and reviewing constitutionn to remove some power from president is the last option for president and his law makers. This was the same reason that delayed house to pass the constitution if you could look back in June. This is what will split the congress apart if some insist in reviewing constitution.

  • Red Army
    Red Army

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs
    The fact that the UN and Jimmy Carter Centre in Juba are reprimanding the Juba corrupted and dictatorial systems is the recipe of precedent precaution and advance warning. The crooks and hooligans in Juba are too blind to realize that the UN and other international bodies are spying very closely on their illegal activities without their knowledges. Kiir’s constitution must be burnt to ashes.

  • Red Army
    Red Army

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs

    Don’t be stupid boy! Either your uncle Kiir listens and heeds the international advices and complies with their demands or else he risks an economic and financial sanction and potential regime change or the UN whom you almost runs to and seek help and intervention when NCP kick your uncle regime butts will not assist you again when it gets ugly. Congratulation to Carter Center and the UN.

  • Red Army
    Red Army

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs

    Your stupid dinkanized government must be corrected or else we the other tribes in Jenub will kick your azzes soon. You son of bitccches. If you talk shiits that your knows democracy when your tribes and uncle are thieves and dictators of Jenub Thudan. Stupid azz bitccch!

  • Chagai Lokuno Bai
    Chagai Lokuno Bai

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs
    I believed Jimme Carter idea of going to S.Sudan was to give help to those who are in need of help from any Samaritian.It is wrong for any organization person who went there and turned around into politic of S.Sudan. Ideas of drafting constitution should not be imported from somewhere again. We have learned from old Sudan how the imported ideas affected the country,ideas from Arab World changed SU

  • Chagai Lokuno Bai
    Chagai Lokuno Bai

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs
    Foreigne advices are sometime mixed with poison, therefore you got be catious about that advices. Don’t just jump in without knowing a clear position to step in. If you adopt yourself to somebody advice, your brain will not reasoning to figure out what is best for your country. In other words your mind is depend on somebody else. You will be like properties sitting in side the house. I urge you to

  • DOOR

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs
    Though we trusts in Genuine democracy, we must hold back from making premature criticism. The review of a permanent constitution is going to be made in January next year and thus the international community must hold their unsolicited offers of directives. Be patient, the logic can not elude all of us the Southerners for an alien to drill into us.

    Yours sincerely, “the innocent Bor”.

  • $ 10,000,000
    $ 10,000,000

    Review presidential term limits, Carter Center tells S. Sudan MPs
    You corrupt logic,
    If you are talking like because you support corruption, just keep quite and steal silently. But you should not condemn those who are against corruption. In fact the way our colour looks too black has made others to perceive us to be the most corrupt people in the world. If Juba corruption continues, this negative perception may find its place in real

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