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Sudan Tribune

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Splinter group say self-determination is “best tool” for peace in Darfur

November 17, 2011 (LONDON) — A splinter rebel group wrote to a workshop on the perspectives of peace in Darfur held this week in Washington that self determination remains the “best tool” to settle the eight year conflict in western Sudan.

“The State and Direction of the Darfur Peace Process” was organized by the US Institute for Peace (USIP) with the support of the US State Department on 15-16 November.

The meeting meant to discuss the outcome of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD), any ways to achieve a durable peace in Darfur including the non signatory rebel groups particularly ), Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), two factions of the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdel wahid Al-Nur (SLM-Aw) and Minni Minnawi (SLM-MM).

Yahia Elbashir, the Chairman of Sudan National Liberation Movement (SNLM) told Sudan Tribune he sought to attend the closed meeting but the organisers asked him to send a position position and it would be included among the papers of the workshop.

In the five-page position paper, Yahia wrote that the “right of self-determination for the people of Darfur is the best tool to safeguard their welfare either in a secular democratic Sudan or, as independent state if the first choice is not possible”.

Indicating his preference for an independent state in Darfur, he underlined that a united democratic Sudan “could be very difficult to achieve”.

Yahia who was the former spokesperson of the SLM-AW had in the past issued statements calling for the self-determination for Darfur. But the leader of the movement Abdel Wahid Al-Nur dismissed such initiative.

Since that time, Yahia who is based in London established his group (SNLM) which makes the self-determination of the western Sudan region its main goal.

The USIP said in a statement released Thursday that the workshop was also attended by civil society leaders, and representatives of countries and organizations involved in the peace process.

“We believe that the conversations were productive, candid and geared toward achieving a lasting, peaceful solution to a war that has lasted too long,” said Jon Temin, director of USIP’s Sudan program.



  • Logic

    Splinter group say self-determination is “best tool” for peace in Darfur
    And so the break up of the once largest African nation continues…

  • Epuol

    Splinter group say self-determination is “best tool” for peace in Darfur
    Is the best option but late,Because it will take you another ten years or more to get your right as Darfurian peoples state in western part of Sudan.it could have been batter when earliear, How can we divid the country in to many small part like that,If Darfur wil bring western part alone,Then eastrn part will still starting to get their right with different names,You need Arab to enjoy our SUDD.

  • Epuol

    Splinter group say self-determination is “best tool” for peace in Darfur
    How can you leave that SUDAN for Arab,Then who will remain in central Sudan?Because arab came just only for trade,How can they got that chance to rule the country if we could have spoken and still speaking one voice?OK NOW,You neeed to unit and one voice to clear those peaples from our own land of SUDD,WE ARE AFRICAN ORGIN.

  • Green

    Splinter group say self-determination is “best tool” for peace in Darfur
    The idea of separetion is very coward to think about it.If Dafur, Blue nile, and Nubans are united,those fake Arabs will be force out in sudan. Back in the old days, same situation was in Chad. Arabs traders, were in power in chadian, but when black chadian united, they are not there now! Think deeply! Freedom has nothing to do with human rights! USA wont be there, where they are now! Liberation!!

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