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Sudan Tribune

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Greater Bahr el Ghazal youth conference kicks off in Aweil amid boycotts

October 24, 2011 (JUBA) – A conference bringing together youth groups from the four states of Greater Bahr el Ghazal began on Thursday in the Northern Bahr el Ghazal state capital, Aweil.

Garang Valentino Wol Kon, a chair of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement Youth League (SPLM-YL) in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, said in an interview with Sudan Tribune on Thursday that his group are participating in the conference because the organisers had not provided them with sufficient information about the events objectives.

Ariec Mayar Ariec, a member of Warrap state Legislative Assembly said that some youth groups had complained about the conference attendee selection process.

Ariec said the conference will involve deliberation on the ways to promote peace, unity and development. “The youth face a lot of challenges. This is one of the reasons for which this convention was called. It will be a platform through which issues of common concern will be identified”, explained Ariec.

He made 13 points, including ways to promote social, distributive and restorative justice, sustainable peace, building trust, reconciliation and unity have been identified.

The SPLM-YL state chairperson, whose faction boycotted the conference, asked how such plans would be achieved while his group had been sidelined.



  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    Greater Bahr el Ghazal youth conference kicks off in Aweil amid boycotts
    Dear Ant-traitors,

    What is wrong with you? Why you hate people who’re doing something good for the betterment of our country? The objective of Bahr El Ghazal Youths will succeed despite your evil thinking.

  • siddaw

    Greater Bahr el Ghazal youth conference kicks off in Aweil amid boycotts
    hahahahahahahahah!!!! don’t make me laugh. you call them, THE GREATER BAR EL GHAZAL??? who do you think as a WEAKER or LEASER BAR EL GHAZAL???? anyway, name doesn’t matter. what matters is your action. don’t work for the gratification of your stomach but to develop the New Republic of Bar El Ghazal, headed by Salva Kiir Mayardit or Mayarthii. which ever you call it. HOLD YOUR HANDS TOGETHER.

  • Madingthith

    Greater Bahr el Ghazal youth conference kicks off in Aweil amid boycotts
    @Greater Bahr el Ghazal Youth Conference

    I am very disappointed to see some disunity amongst the SPLM-YL and Youth Union of the State, if you are continue behaving like that then the aim and objectives of the conference will be a sort of corrupt some funds for no reasons. Valentino Garang Wol should be made to know how the hosted State must respected the other States. Shame on you ADAM!

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    Greater Bahr el Ghazal youth conference kicks off in Aweil amid boycotts
    Confidence must be built in this conference to make sure it is achieved. Boycotting it will not solve the problem. I urge all youths from the 4 states to come together regardless of not being informed on time and selective manner as mentioned by the Ariec Mayar. Please ignore the voices critisizing the conference and go ahead as planned.

  • Mike Mike
    Mike Mike

    Greater Bahr el Ghazal youth conference kicks off in Aweil amid boycotts
    That maron MP of Warrap State is behind the news he doesn’t know what the conference is all about. How come for him to outlined these nonsenses things while the youth chair persons of the four states were not aware of the impact of that conference?. Government of S.S must have to watch out carefully to makesure that its has got people in that meeting to quote all the issues discussed during the mg

  • AgwerJimmy

    Greater Bahr el Ghazal youth conference kicks off in Aweil amid boycotts
    Thanks for the conference organized but shame on Aweil youth leaders who are not united while they are the hosts of the conference.

    That is always a bad thing in my home state, good and bad things are always put together where they’re not. Why boycotting? Does it mean you have no hosting capacity or competence? What will be the outcome of this conference if you are putting ‘urselves on shame?

  • Nyamleldit

    Greater Bahr el Ghazal youth conference kicks off in Aweil amid boycotts
    Youths of greater Bahr el ghazal please go ahead with this conference without the unity of Greater Bahr el ghazal this current freedom in South Sudan everyone seems to enjoy could have not been achieve. Again SPLM-YL is least concern to partake in this confernece, it is not a political party or anything pertaining SPLM-Party but community issues which might be separate from party policies.

  • Nyamleldit

    Greater Bahr el Ghazal youth conference kicks off in Aweil amid boycotts
    Agmer Jimmy,
    You are not from Aweil, if you don’t know anything you need to stand a loof rather to prentend as part of the say state.

  • Bungachier 50
    Bungachier 50

    Greater Bahr el Ghazal youth conference kicks off in Aweil amid boycotts
    Dear All,

    The entire youth of this Region are not aware about this meeting.

    The so call organizers in this meeting are PROFESSIONAL LIARS and have nothing for the development in their nasty brains.

    After all, most of them that i know have been Academice Tourists in Esat Africa.

    This meeting is therefore, organized on the Tribal bases, for the sake of the SSP 200,000. otherwise!…

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Greater Bahr el Ghazal youth conference kicks off in Aweil amid boycotts
    Dear Greater Bahr el Ghazal Youth,

    Congratulation on your planning and your organization. You have formed marvelous and interested organization in the region, but I urge you seriously to finger point and tackle the common enemy on our youth. The common enemy is: Playing cards that our youth waste most of their time playing and regional discrimination jobs that encouraged by our various leaders.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Greater Bahr el Ghazal youth conference kicks off in Aweil amid boycotts
    List all youth desires and present them to the govement who may thrall process and allow you to thrive your activities.
    It is ashamed and shambolic on us to see the poeple who drive their cars or lorries to Laitnhom, Gogrial, Mayen-abon, some parts of Aweil, Tonj and Rumbek and find no garage repairer around, but we the youth of the region are playing cards instead of training.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Greater Bahr el Ghazal youth conference kicks off in Aweil amid boycotts
    Youth of Wau or Raja have no proudness like ourselves (Dinka), war caused us alot of problems, but we Dinka youth contributed on our problems because of our lazyness. If the youth from War and Raja gets his/her money from collecting fire-wood, burning chorcol, repairing bicycles, shoses and earn money to get on with lives, then why not us also. I urge you to challenge ourselve on these matters.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Greater Bahr el Ghazal youth conference kicks off in Aweil amid boycotts
    Southern Sudan is now independent country where her people will be invited into any sport event activities around the world. Youth who may be concentration and specialized on any sport, will get better training and he/she may go and play in the world with any club.
    Southern Sudanese got all talences, but we are misusing our talences and I hope that we are not too late to change that. come on!!

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