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Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia urged to arrest Bush during visit

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

December 2, 2011(ADDIS ABABA) – A leading human rights group, Amnesty International, has called on Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia to arrest US former president, George W. Bush, during his visit to the African countries this week.

Demonstrator Maboud Ebrahimzadeh is held down during a simulation of waterboarding outside the Justice Department in Washington in this November 5, 2007  (file photo./Reuters)
Demonstrator Maboud Ebrahimzadeh is held down during a simulation of waterboarding outside the Justice Department in Washington in this November 5, 2007 (file photo./Reuters)
Amnesty argued that “there is enough evidence in the public domain” for the African countries to arrest president Bush, who according to Amnesty is responsible for authorizing the use of water boarding as interrogation technique against terror suspected prisoners in Guantanamo bay, Iraq and in other detention facilities.

“International law requires that there be no safe haven for those responsible for torture; Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia must seize this opportunity to fulfill their obligations and end the impunity George W. Bush has so far enjoyed,” Matt Pollard, group’s senior legal adviser, said in a statement.

Bush along with his wife Laura is paying visits to the three African countries from 1-5 December 2011 to promote and raise awareness to efforts on fight to cervical and breast cancer in the continent.

“Amnesty International recognises the value of raising awareness about cervical and breast cancer in Africa, the stated aim of the visit, but this cannot lessen the damage to the fight against torture caused by allowing someone who has admitted to authorising water-boarding to travel without facing the consequences prescribed by law,” the statement further said.

Water boarding is considered torture by right group campaigners and Amnesty in the past had been making similar calls to the countries Bush paid visit to.

This is not the first time for Amnesty to appeal on Bush detention. Last October, Amnesty made calls to his arrest when Bush went to Canada to attend an economic summit.

Other appeal was also made earlier this year during Bush planned visit to Switzerland. Bush didn’t attend the meeting and many rights organizations claimed that he was forced to cancel the meeting due fear of arrest.

The group insists the former president is brought to justice and his humanitarian mission should not be used as an excuse for his role in torture further urging all countries to cooperate in arresting him.

“All countries to which George W. Bush travels have an obligation to bring him to justice for his role in torture,”



  • omoni jr.
    omoni jr.

    Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia urged to arrest Bush during visit
    hahhaha,even flies and roaches can laugh to death too.
    who is amnesty ? and what is amnesty in Africa??
    who is the most wanted man in Africa who killed his own peopple in Darfur?
    Bush never killed his own people,go and arrest and see what gonna happen

  • omoni jr.
    omoni jr.

    Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia urged to arrest Bush during visit
    Read this Hitory:Africa was called a dark continent ,and tell me why??

  • Bush

    Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia urged to arrest Bush during visit
    LOL! you Amnesty International are mad. The man who rescued the world from the hands of terror and tyrants and bring hope to millions in Africa to be arrested? by who, and for what crimes? Your request is just a joke to many like us who wants even BUSH to be multiplied by four to do the same thing again and again.

  • soldier boy
    soldier boy

    Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia urged to arrest Bush during visit
    Human being sometimes make me sick for real..what in the hell are you talking about arresting Bush…for what ???????????? fucking African comited more than a crimes are walking around without amnesty.Bush had done what he have to against extremes and criminals lets see i love Bush and wanted to him run for another term if law allow him to do so.

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia urged to arrest Bush during visit
    Africa is really full of jokers. It makes me laughed to the top lung when I read this. By the way, is the Amnesty a terrorist advocate or a Human Rights group? Standing with the torturers rather than with the tortured. These people deserved the acts although we do not support the interogation strategies because they did the same to their victims. Bush should not be arrested because he reacted-con

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia urged to arrest Bush during visit
    because he reacted to the evils and pains these terrorists caused to the victims. I think this so-called amnesty never watched or read what happened in nine 9-11. I went to the Pentagon and saw the names of victims written on the wall. It is very emotional, and any one could do what Bush did if he has little patient like Bush. I didn’t agree with interogation strategies Bush’s administration-con

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia urged to arrest Bush during visit
    but I can’t call for his arrest because evil must be punished. We only differ when come to punishment appraoches but we all agree on the punishment of evilness.

  • tibebe solomon
    tibebe solomon

    Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia urged to arrest Bush during visit
    really jackass u think just cause he is z FORMER president of zat bitch country he couldn’t be arrested? wait and c

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