Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor

December 14, 2011 (BOR) – Jonglei state governor Kuol Manyang Juuk has said that military equipment captured from rebel forces after a recent attack in Pigi county has “very valuable information” showing Khartoum’s support for South Sudan’s rebellions.

Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk (ST)
Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk (ST)
Governor Manyang, who visited villages in Pigi county on Tuesday, described the attack as a “senseless intensive destruction” that left villages reduced to ashes and 11,000 people displaced.

He blames renegade SPLA general George Athor Deng for the attack.

Athor lost his bid to become Jonglei governor to Kuol Manyang during the April 2010 polls but refused to recognise the results claiming electoral fraud.

On Sunday, several districts were attacked in Pigi county leaving an unknown number dead and injured. Governor Kuol said the level of attack inflicted heavy losses on the villages but did not provide figures.

“All the huts were burnt down. The destruction [was] intensive,” governor Kuol told the reporters in Bor on Wednesday.

“The people displaced by this senseless fighting and attack are more than 11,000,” he said without giving more details.

The governor claims that Athor’s forces were behind the attack.

“The intention was to get cattle because they are in the forest where there is no food and they depend on cattle that they graft from the people,” he said.

When to give evidence showing that Athor’s men were involved, the governor claimed that “a senior officer [to George Athor] was killed and had a telephone with very valuable information.”

According to governor Kuol, the data contain in the telephone show continued ties between Athor’s forces and the government of Sudan.

“They [Athor’s forces] are receiving supplies from or through Khartoum,” Kuol said.

In 2010, the South Sudan army captured a north Sudanese helicopter allegedly supplying materials to Athor’s forces. The helicopter was released this year.

South Sudan split from Sudan in July following a referendum promised in the 2005 peace accord that ended decades of north—south war. Since South Sudan’s independence the two countries have continued to trade accusations of supporting armed rebellion in both countries. Each side denies involvement.

Fangak county faces humanitarian crisis: officials

Jonglei state authorities say people displaced from Pigi county due to Athor’s rebellion and returnees from Sudan in Fangak county are in need of “urgent humanitarian” help.

Fangak county commissioner James Maluit said the situation was getting “worse” as South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC) officials warn of “unpleasant” conditions in the area.

“It is a very bad situation. People are feeding on wild food,” said Fangak commissioner Maluit.

The northern county of Jonglei state is a home to more than 11,000 South Sudanese who have recently returned form north Sudan due the the south’s secession in July.

As well as the returnees, 10,000 people have been displaced by fighting between Athor and South Sudan’s army (SPLA), according to SSRRC figures.

The situation has been made worse by heavy rains, which have caused floods and deaths to cattle, according to Bol Diu Gok, the SSRRC officer in Fangak county.

“We [SSRRC] warn that if it reach[es] up to January next year, people will receive quite a different report. That will be unpleasant report because many people will die,” said Bol in a statement to reporters in Bor on Tuesday.

Fangak witnessed deadly attacks from George Athor forces in February leading to the death of over 200 people. The fighting, which is highest in neighbouring Pigi – Athor’s home county – has led to displacement of thousands of people.

Athor has so far refused an offer of amnesty from South Sudanese president, Salva Kiir, and peace talks have yet to resolve the conflict.

The insurgency coupled with the heavy rains that destroyed farms, the local population is vulnerable, according to local leaders.



  • Ming Dhal
    Ming Dhal

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    South Sudan government should do some thing for that community to make sure that they are given necessary assistant that will facilitate their life as well as security service since this gang called Athor started to targeted the civilian location rather than arm barrack

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    First of all, we now hate you more than before Kuol. You are disgrace to our community and our Jonglei state as a whole.

    Second, if you know they want to survive through those cattle, why not following those cattle?

    Rebels can’t rear cattle since they always keep hidding. How did they raid and keep that cattle without being them seen? Quit talking and act, otherwise, you are done.

  • Oduko

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    We are about to capture Jungle state and juba soon more attack are on way, Kiir will be kill like the way Libyans dictator Gadafi was killed. All spla force will be Called SSLM and south will be reunite with brothers in North.

  • Land-of-Cush

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    That is the claimless, you want to show the really evident instead of just mobile phone that contain data. Have you kill only one officer from Athor side? I thing the guns or uniform can be good evident.

    Why you don’t take action to cleansing Athor in that area or you want to tell us that Athor army is stronger then SPLA?

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    Get your ass out here. We will defeat you with that destructive hearts. Good never stands with destroyers. This is always a testimony to history kind. You will never win, but will live with shame or die with shame.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    You’re totally misled by Khartoum administration killing your own people on behalf of other country’s goals is 100% useless unless it is for those unfortunate to’ve mental disability can do that. What you don’t know is that “the same teeth a dog play with, it bite with” you’ll be kicked at your ass badly by the same notorious gangstar President Al Bashir who is legally wanted for alleged war crime

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    …and genocide against humanity committed in Darfur and now in Abyei. I am not very far, I am nearer and will listen. What you are both George Athor and slave Okudo doing is totally insane.

    Abyei Son.

  • Kawaja Mikis
    Kawaja Mikis

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    Athor’s issue is a headache, and it looks bad for communities to faced the difficulties again, since South Sudan attained the independence, the Government of South Sudan should be provide enough security to protect our communities.

  • Pure Nationalist
    Pure Nationalist

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor

    I totally disagree with that man who expect re-unification with North, it will never happen. No matter how bad is our gov’t is, even if up to anarch, the stage which the Somalia is, no one could you, let none nationalist eat, steal, die and we will inherent our land.

  • Yanga Wani
    Yanga Wani

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    Dear Oduko, why don’t you just join Khartoum there is food there. One more thing, you and your dummy leader (Athor) never try to come to greater Equatoria; you run with four legs. I hate weak hearts people who are only looking for food.


  • Morthon Akol
    Morthon Akol

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    Brother i do agree with you. unification with Arabs it will not happen againt. those who hsa been slave by Arabs will die out soon.let me tell you fools have no intrest in understanding; they want to air their own opinions.General Athor was in struggle for twenty one years fighting.

  • Green

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    stupidity is the first enemy to your mental state of being in your community! You are all like Zombies! what are your contents of this war, you can commonicate to the rest of the world! corruption can be fix through system! example, cameras! western world is less corrupt becase of these devices! cameras are for deter and evidences, but not that they can erid corruption, but they mange 80%

  • Man manning
    Man manning

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    @ Oduko
    you deserve to be call Beshir or whatever Islamic name you may be call but not Oduko because I assume those are Anyuak(Anuak)’s names of whom are our fellow southerners who should think wisely but not collaborators like you. I think you deserve to be stone to death wherever you are because you are but a useless creature in the right place and by the way you people will live there in the…

  • Man manning
    Man manning

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    cont………..there you will continue to live the rest of your lives times in the jungle,because getting to Juba is but a nightmare for your baseless regime.

  • Man manning
    Man manning

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    cont………..there you will continue to live the rest of your lives times in the jungle,because getting to Juba is but a nightmare for your baseless regime.

  • sober

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    On May 20, 2011, Mayom County commissioner, Charles Machieng Kuol, revealed to the international media that after the South Sudan forces attacked rebels at four sub-counties of Mayom and Mankien, the SPLA army burnt 8,000 civilian homesteads to ashes. Sixty five children, elderly women and men who had disabilities and were not physically able to escape were burned alive. The SPLA soldiers also kil

  • sober

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    The SPLA soldiers also killed the livestock and shot at every civilian who attempted to escape. It is reported by village chiefs that the SPLA shot to death more than hundred civilians who tried to escape. All these reports were corroborated by the United Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) after visiting the area

  • Man manning
    Man manning

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    Athor had been a top figure in the liberation struggle but now the Dinkas proverb will be apply unto him(Adiitpiou cha guo loo ku che raau da guo luoo)Glutton has just gone and yet our grains has ripen or at the time of harvest is when the gluttonous man dies or is gone. HE WILL REGRETS IT WITH WHOEVER IS BEHIND THIS DEVILISH ACT.

  • sober

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    SPLA embarked on fighting the rebel forces of Maj. Gen. Peter Gatdet Goss forces have committed crimes against humanity against the Bul Nuer civil population which warrant international investigation. SPLA started to target the Bul Nuer because he hailed from that clan, burning villages they inhabited under the pretext that the villagers supported the rebels.and to destroy the livelihoods of Bul

  • sober

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    of Bul Nuer, the SPLA army assisted heavily armed Dinka cattle rustlers from neighboring Warrap state to attack Mayom County rural areas between 12—20 May, 2011 and took more than 23,000 cattle.So many civilians were displaced and left without any livestock to feed their children. In all attacks conducted by armed Dinka militias from Warrap State, the SPLA army assisted them instead to intervene t

  • P.K.M

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    What will benefit Khartoum by supporting Athor? Khartoum should know, Sudan and South Sudan are not going be reunited again! South Sudan departed already, they should let it go.
    On the other hand, the clowns that are being used by Khartoum, they had no idea that they are digging their own grave unknowingly.

  • Master

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor

    “a senior officer [to George Athor] was killed and had a telephone with very valuable information.”



    HA HA HA

  • Zeki

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    Dear Oduk

    Where are you now? the anti Gadhafi where present every where in Libya street, but here in S.Sudan where are you? who is supporting you? do NATO know you? Khartoum is not a NATO, we usualy fuck them up during the war of liberation, let them fuck you.
    One step to Jonglei and Juba, two Atomic bomb.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    What Athor is doing is not the work of someone who will ever rule even if he gets a chance to oust Salva. The Public will hate him more than Bashir.
    Dinkas who raise their hands against other Dinka never live long. He will follow Kerubino and Akuot Atem who die shamelessly without burial or funeral.

    Ahmed Chol, whatever begins in anger ends in shame

  • monynuer

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    Governor Kuol Manyang, have no different with my people nuer. Governor, didnt believed that AThor Deng was bhind the attack in Bor. Governor believes on his own eyes like Nuer used to do. during the killings in Bor jalle county (Juet) Governor Kuol, didnt even visted to Juet where the problem is, he didnt like Juet away.

  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    Omoni jr the monkey!

    Where is that motherfucker son of whore called omoni Jr, the monkey that is being fed with Dinka shits in the zoo called Juba by Kiir. That shit want to move to Sudan for a refuge to escape the starvation in SS, caused by SPLA/M looting of public funds! the problem is that the monkey family of omoni jr are fucken HIV positive thus they won’t be admitted to Sudan because….

  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    they will risk people lives there so please fucken truth seeking, advise your friend to remain in SS where they can be easily returned to their jungle to meet other Omoni jr HIV infected monkeys! so, let them fuck with SPLA/M militia because they are infectd with HIV too! let them not be fucken by our friends in Sudan! his mother pussy, clit and anus and his dad anus, his anus are shitty stingy!

  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    Motherfucker omoni Jr, the monkey! don’t even think of going to khartoum because you fucken separated the country thinking that USA will make it a paradise over night! motherfucker Greedy creatures if there was no oil in SS or if the oil was in Sudan can the Fucken SPLA/M voted for fucken separation! eat your own shits until we rescue our people when we topple kiir corrupt regime of assgole Kiir!

  • Force 1
    Force 1

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    Oduko, it’s so easy said than done. You could be in control of Bor and Juba now if that was the case. just say nothing, you’ll be better off than just making a fool of yourself.

  • man koryom
    man koryom

    South Sudan has “evidence” that Khartoum is supporting Athor’s rebellion – governor
    Athor will be capture soon. The South Sudan army together with SPLM-N will burn Bashir and all masters in Khartoum to ash.

    Man Koryom 2

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