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Sudan Tribune

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UNAMID chief is a burden on Darfur crisis – JEM rebels

February 4, 2012 (KHARTOUM) — The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) distanced itself today from the head of the hybrid peacekeeping mission in Darfur (UNAMID), Ibrahim Gambari, and accused him of violating the mandate UN largest operation.

Ibrahim Gambari (Reuters))
Ibrahim Gambari (Reuters))
Gambari was criticized this week by Human Right Watch for attending the wedding of Chadian president Idriss Deby with the daughter of a militia leader accused of war crimes in Darfur. The UNAMID boss was seen with President Omer al-Bashir who is wanted by the International Criminal Court.

Gibreel Adam Bilal, JEM spokesperson told Sudan Tribune that his group “decided to review its position from Gambari and alert the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that Ibrahim Gambari become a heavy burden on the Sudanese crisis. He is even a part of it rather than to be a catalyst for its resolution”

The rebel official underscored that JEM in the past used to collaborate with the UNAMID to enforce its mandate relative to the protection of civilians however he added Gambari committed a number of violations that emptied this mandate of its content.

Gibreel enumerated a number of actions that constitute, according to him, clear violations of the UNAMID’s assignments.

He said Gambari gave 25 four-wheel vehicles to the Sudanese police in Darfur, stressing that He gives to the responsible of Darfur crimes the necessary logistical means to accomplish more war crimes, he said

He said Gambari has adopted Sudan’s government policy for peace from inside the country which implies to empty the camps of the displaced people and to force them to return to their destroyed villages.

He cited Gambari’s presence at the wedding of Chadian president, but he further alleged that Gambari authorized the Sudanese government to use UNAMID’s vehicles to implement “forcible return” of the IDPs to their villages.

The Sudanese rebel group elected last month Gibril Ibrahim as new leader of the rebel group after the death of his brother Khalil Ibrahim who was killed by the Sudanese army last Dacember.

The rebel group, despite its participation in the Doha peace process, refused to sign the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur and joined an alliance of different rebel groups aiming to topple the Sudanese regime.

Gambari, who is also the peace mediator ad interim, announced recently he would tour different Africa countries harbouring rebel leaders in a bid to convince them to join the ongoing efforts for peace in Darfur.

However, his presence at the wedding of the Musa Hilal’s daughter and his appearance with Bashir forced the UN to advise him strongly to not repeat such encounters in the future because it discredit the international body and violates its guidelines.

Sudanese government will inaugurate next week Darfur Regional Authority and the event which will take place in El-Fasher will be attended by the President Omer al-Bashir and the mediation.

Sudan asked the UNAMID to be more aggressive in discharging its mandate particularly when its peacekeepers are attacked by armed groups . The demand was formulated last January after an attack near El Daein in East Darfur state. The assailants killed one Nigerian peacekeepers.

Sudan said UNAMID is becoming a reservoir of weapons for the rebel groups who capture the guns of the peacekeepers.

However, JEM spokesperson claimed that Sudan’s army First Commander Ismat Abdel Rahman organized the attack and ordered a unity composed of militia and military intelligence members to attack the peacekeepers.


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