Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

UN committed to sovereignty, independence and unity of Sudan

NEW YORK, 12 June 12, 2004 (SUNA) — The United Nations Security Council affirmed commitment to the sovereignty, independence and unity of Sudan and welcomed the signing of the Declaration on 5 June 2004 in Nairobi, Kenya, in which the parties confirmed their agreement to the six protocols signed between the government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A), and reconfirmed their commitment to completing the remaining stages of negotiations.

A resolution issued by the Security Council Thursday said the Security Council “urged the two parties involved to conclude speedily a comprehensive peace agreement, believing that the progress now being made in the Naivasha process will contribute to improved stability and peace in Sudan”.

It further welcomed the secretary-general’s report on the peace process in Sudan and the role expected to be played by the UN with respect supporting the peace process, underlining the importance of UN’s preparations for this mission.

The council further welcomed the proposal of the UN secretary-general to establish a United Nations advance team in Sudan as a special political mission, requesting the secretary-general to conclude all necessary agreements with the government of Sudan as expeditiously as possible – regarding the mission of the United Nations in Sudan – asking the secretary-general to submit to the council recommendations for the size, structure, and mandate of this operation, as soon as possible after the signing of a comprehensive peace agreement.

The Security Council further ” underlined the need for an effective public information capacity, including local and national radio, television and newspaper channels, to promote understanding of the peace process and the role a United Nations’ peace support operation which will operate among local communities and the parties.”

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