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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese daily confiscated, defies orders to ditch columnist

March 27, 2012 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese daily newspaper, Al-Jareeda, announced that security authorities confiscated its entire print-run on Tuesday and ordered that its prominent columnist, Zuhair al-Saraj, be suspended.

Press_Freedom-4.jpgIn a statement released to the media, the paper said that the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) had seized all copies of its Tuesday’s edition after being printed.

Later on, the statement said, the paper received a phone call from the NISS ordering it to stop publishing columns by the Canada-based anti-government writer, Zuhair al-Saraj.

Al-Jareeda said it was threatened with further confiscation if it does not cooperate on the request to suspend Al-Saraj.

“We have asked the NISS to communicate the request [for Al-Saraj’s removal] in writing but it refused,” the paper stated.

In a bold move, the paper went on to declare its intention to defy NISS’s “illegal” orders.

“We consider the phone call as non-obligatory and illegal. And we call on the NISS, if convinced its decision is correct, to put it in writing.” The paper’s statement read.

Al-Jareeda further vowed to challenge NISS orders in a court of law, and announced that it staff members and supporters would stage a protest and file a request with the judiciary for legal and constitutional protection.

Sudan’s constitution guarantees press freedom and freedom of expression but laws subordinate to the constitution are frequently used to suspend newspapers.

Three newspapers were suspended under the National Security Law since the beginning of this year. Two were however allowed to resume production after reaching “understandings” with the NISS.

Al-Jareeda itself was suspended in September 2011 but resumed publication few months later after winning an appeal against the NISS decision.


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