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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Unity State destruction after alleged SAF bombardment

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

April 12, 2012 (BENTIU) – The commissioner of Guit County in Unity state, Puoy Yaka, accused Sudan’s army of deliberately bombing civilians in his jurisdiction on Thursday morning, in an interview with Sudan Tribune.

Civilians at a cluster-bomb crater in Thaon village, near Bentiu, Unity state, South Sudan, April 12, 2012 (ST)
Civilians at a cluster-bomb crater in Thaon village, near Bentiu, Unity state, South Sudan, April 12, 2012 (ST)
Yaka “condemned in the strongest terms possible” Sudan Armed Forces‘ (SAF) alleged targeting of civilians in an attack at 6.20am on the Manga payam [district] of Guit County, in an area without a military station.

He also alleged that SAF released three bombs on Thoan, two on Kajaakand one on Keay; all within Guit County during Thursday morning, killing one person and injuring another. Thoan is just 2km from the state capital, Benitu.

Martha Nyalada Diew, a resident of Thoan, whose house home was damaged by an alleged SAF Antanov cluster bomb, bore witness to this morning’s bombardment. She called upon the Juba government to respond to Khartoum’s targeting of civilians.

James Jal from the civil society organisation, Disable Association in South Sudan accused Khartoum of violating human rights and called upon the international community to intervene.

In Khartoum the Sudanese defence minister denied the bombing. Also, Sudanese ambassador to the United Nations Daffa-Alla Elhag Ali Osman, said the allegation of bombing was a “fiction” used to confuse the international community.


Civilians gather at cluster bomb crater, Unity state, South Sudan, April 12, 2012 (ST)
Civilians gather at cluster bomb crater, Unity state, South Sudan, April 12, 2012 (ST)
remainder of cluster-bombs exploded in Thaon village, near Bentiu, Unity state, South Sudan, April 12, 2012 (ST)
remainder of cluster-bombs exploded in Thaon village, near Bentiu, Unity state, South Sudan, April 12, 2012 (ST)
Police inspecting the bombsite in Thaon village near Bentiu, Unity state, South Sudan, April 12, 2012 (ST)
Police inspecting the bombsite in Thaon village near Bentiu, Unity state, South Sudan, April 12, 2012 (ST)

Al Jazeera English | Sudan army advances on disputed oil town | 13 April 2012

The Sudanese army says it is advancing on the town of Heglig, days after the South Sudanese army captured it.

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