Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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UNHCR ups appeal for Sudan’s Darfur to $56 mln

KHARTOUM, June 15 (Reuters) – The U.N. refugee agency appealed on Tuesday for more money to help feed and house thousands of African villagers fleeing attacks by marauding Arab militia in Sudan’s Darfur region.

Aid officials say the militias have been killing, raping and looting their way across the western region since rebels launched a revolt in February 2003 accusing the Khartoum government of neglect and arming the Arab fighters. Khartoum denies this.

The fighting has affected two million people, with more than 150,000 fleeing into neighbouring Chad, creating what aid officials say is the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

With the number of refugees now anticipated to rise to 200,000 by the end of the year, the UNHCR said on Tuesday it had increased its budget to nearly $56 million, up from an appeal in February for $20.8 million.

The agency has received $18.4 million so far from donors.

It said moving refugees from their temporary camps along the inhospitable Chad border was a priority with the onset of the rainy season, which would make roads impassable.

“Any delay would mean that the refugees continue to be exposed to protection hazards, ranging from military conscriptions, sexual and gender-based violence to lack of access to basic rights for assistance,” the statement said.

Rebels are observing an uneasy truce with government forces, but both sides have accused each other of violating the ceasefire signed in April.

Group of Eight leaders last week urged Sudan’s government to immediately disarm the militia, which they said were responsible for “massive human rights violations” in Darfur.

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