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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Panthou: Kiir has betrayed the people of South Sudan

By Isaiah Abraham

April 23, 2012 — Though Khartoum was to go for extra futile military mile to fight the people of South Sudan over Panthou, our big brother President Salva Kiir has made a reckless decision to pull out our troops from that land. The defeated Khartoum forces return singing when they should have been weeping throughout their lives, after we tied them down when we control every piece that rightfully belongs to us right there in Panthou and its surroundings.

It is a shame we just left that land without any provisions from those who called themselves world leaders. They must be enjoying now that Khartoum is bombing Rubkhona and Bentiu targeting unarmed innocent civilians.

On the issue of Panthou, everyone thought that the case should have been pursued first, before thinking of pulling out, but alas, the president of our Republic ordered out Southern Army with no single guarantee that the disputed land shall remain under certain arrangement, be it demilitarization or United Nations forces to occupy it until the owner of that land becomes clearer. Now that we are out of Panthou, and Khartoum entered it peacefully under claims of pressure by someone, what will the ordinary Southern soldier say, the very one who was earlier told to defend it?

Kiir must resign; he failed our people at a crucial time when we badly need his leadership. He did the same thing by not protecting Abyei from Khartoum and all lucrative areas along South-North borders are firmly taken over by Khartoum, what does our Chief Executive (Mr. President) want to do first before he defend the territorial integrity of the people of South Sudan? Relying on the world leaders to come for our aid has proven illusive and will never happen.

People are sick and tired of lame duck (Kiir) that only roar once, and never bite. He echoed first well that ‘he will not order the withdrawal of SPLA and from nowhere beat an about turn to the surprise of many people on our streets who were ready to go for anything against the NCP in Khartoum. Kiir must pack and go home. What he has done to withdraw our men unconditionally in Panthou is a betrayal of the cause of the people of South Sudan. Pulling out of SPLA troops was a mistake!

The enemy is following us up as you can see how they become so bolstered and enliven to bomb deep inside our towns at will. Where is the so-called international community Dr. Marial was talking about?

Kiir talked of attacks by Sudan Armed Forces as one of his main reasons for capturing Panthou, but the people of South Sudan were for the ownership of the Panthou. They died, and are maimed to protect that land, and the president should have been conscious of what is popular. Nagging of Arabs was too much, and something could have been done and sustained no matter what.

How come he could easily bowed to New York or Addis Ababa people who never lifted a finger to stop Khartoum from raining fire on our people day and night despite our cry? Mr. President, the interest of our people comes first. Ban Ki-moon (known then in Korea as Ban-jusa) is a letdown and an enemy of our people. Our land can’t be ruled from New York, we are own masters. Our voice was loud, but you kept personalizing the matter, who do you think you are?

The issue of Panthou is larger than the president, rather is about South Sudan pride and dignity. If the people of Southern Sudan were ready, even to contribute their own lives and money, why stand own their way Mr. Kiir? You have been inconsistence through out, and you got to give way. Sir you are one of the leaders that will be remembered for allowing his land to go (Chief Deng Majok was one) because someone who sits in New York or Washington rules over this land. You are a disgraced.

If it was a defeat we would have taken it head high, and regroup and return there. What is wrong if we had stood the ground and be defeated, (an impossible thing anyway for our men against Khartoum)? Armies retreat but the war would be on. Our people are very agitated including this author for the decision to pull out troops from Panthou, the 100% South Sudan land. Juba has failed our people big way this time around. Mr. Kiir Mayardit low self-esteemed personality has made him one of the worse leaders our people have ever had.

Men died once, and Khartoum shouldn’t have been allowed to follow us up again after all that lost during the liberation of our land (from 1955-2005). Who will lead the people of South Sudan if the likes of brother Kiir could easily change colors in the face of challenges? Parliament therefore must impeach this man called Kiir for his betrayal of his people for Abyei case and now Panthou.

It would have been better for Khartoum to capture Panthou by force, rather than to run away cowardly because of Obama or Ki-moon? I must repeat myself there. It would have been a good case if they did just that, something we could followed up through other means, even that of The Hague for Arbitration. Kiir has snuffed lives of our men only to give in to outsiders. Shame on Kiir, he resigns!

Isaiah Abraham lives in Juba; [email protected]

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