Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan to establish more new counties – Machar

June 1, 2012 (JUBA) – The government of South Sudan has said creating more new counties in the ten states of the newly founded country tallies with the vision of the ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) party of taking towns to the people.

South Sudan Vice President Riek Machar (UN)
South Sudan Vice President Riek Machar (UN)
This was reiterated on Thursday by the Vice President of the Republic, Riek Machar Teny, while receiving draft maps of the new proposed counties from Central Equatoria State in his office.

Machar who received the maps from the Deputy Governor of Central Equatoria State, Manase Lomole, said the best way to implement the policy of taking towns to the people is by creating more new counties that will make it possible to assemble and urbanise the rural populations, provide access and delivery of services to them.

Central Equatoria State is the second after Eastern Equatoria State to present their required draft maps with estimated populations and designated capitals for the proposed counties, which are to be approved by the President.

South Sudan’s eight other states have not yet responded.

The Office of the President has directed all the ten states governors to present the maps, estimated populations and designated capitals of their respective proposed new counties so that their establishment is issued.

Governors of the ten states for the last two years had presented lists of proposed counties in response to the growing demand to do so in the states. Large populations have complained of lack of access to the basic services due to their isolation from the present county headquarters and lower units, known as payams.

Currently South Sudan has 79 counties in total and more than 60 new counties are expected to be established this year.

South Sudan’s fiscal year budget will end on June 30 and the new fiscal year budget will begin on July 1, 2012. If established the government will have to make sure that the new counties are fitted into next year’s budget.


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