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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SSHURSA supports Malawian President’s position on Sudan’s President Bashir’s


June 10, 2012

SSHURSA supports Malawian President’s position on Sudan’s President Bashir’s entry to Malawi, calls on African countries into action against impunity:

The South Sudan Human Rights Society for Advocacy (SSHURSA) welcomes and supports the bold step taken by the Malawian President Joyce Banda on Friday June 8, 2012, in refusing to enter to Malawi the Sudan’s President Omar Hassan Al Bashir for the African Union Summit next month. Bashir is wanted suspect of serious international crimes and has been vicariously charged liable for killing in thousands his own fellow citizens, the people of Darfur since 2003 when the war erupted in the region.

The step taken by Malawian cabinet ministers to endorse the decision of President Banda is a big bold step in the right direction which SSHURSA gives credits for, to people of Malawi. It is better for a country like Malawi to have seen what most African countries do not see. How pathetic that the African Union cannot see and sympathize with the blood of people of Darfur, the right to life of the poor innocent people most of whom children and women being terminated and killed on daily basis by the Sudan Armed Forces and Khartoum sponsored Janjaweed militias, all under President Bashir?

SSHURSA urges the African Countries to boldly come out from such hypocrisies because their silence is harmful to the suffering people of Darfur, Southern Kordufan and Blue Nile whom Bashir’s government is determined to wipe off on the face of earth. Let the African Union choose to be with the side of justice and oppressed rather than pleasing the oppressor. “Impunity in the world must come to an end because no any human person can claim the infallibilty”.

Therefore, SSHURSA urges all world leaders to avoid commiting attrocities or crimes against humanity and the Uinversality of human rights must be respected at all times and everywhere.

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