Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan Humanitarian Update May-June 2012

  • Partners responded to rising food insecurity with scaled-up aid. By mid-year, more than 1.6 million people had received food and livelihood support in South Sudan, while the assistance target for the year was doubled to 2.4 million people.
  • Austerity measures linked to the shutdown of South Sudan’s oil industry in January, contributed to increasing hardship for millions of citizens.
  • Partners in South Sudan responded rapidly with emergency aid and onward transport for nearly 12,000 returnees from Kosti, Sudan, who reached Juba in a humanitarian airlift between 14 May and 6 June.
  • Conditions improved for the return of people displaced from Abyei with the pullout of most unauthorized security forces from the contested area by the start of June.
  • The Sudanese refugee population at sites in Upper Nile and Unity states swelled to nearly 170,000 people by the end of June, adding to demand for scarce water and prompting health concerns.
  • Funding requirements were reviewed in May and June to address deteriorating humanitarian conditions. After the mid-year revision, the Consolidated Appeal of US$1.15 billion for South Sudan was 45 per cent funded.
Download the rest of the report here: OCHA South Sudan Humanitarian Update for the period May to June 2012

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