Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Lakes State’s Cueibet County is now at peace – official

August 14, 2012 (RUMBEK) – The Commissioner of Cueibet County of Lakes State, Isaac Mayom Malek, told the media on Tuesday that following tension between Waat and Ayuel sections of the Dinka community in his area relations and security have returned to normal.

Authorities in Lakes State say that peace has been returned to the county after the government intervened to break up the conflict and impose the rule of law on those behind the conflicts.

Celebrations of South Sudan’s first year of independence had to be postponed in July due to insecurity, caused by clashes and revenge attacks related to cattle raiding.

Cueibet County was now at peace with itself, the commissioner said, adding that he was “very happy that our community are understanding they role of state government and importance of law being apply correctly upon the suspected people behind the community violence of July.”

Cueibet County leaders came under heavy pressure from their communities for failing to control some of their young people during the fighting, which was fueled by rumours.

The commissioner urged the sons and daughters of Cueibet county to immediately stop spreading negative political rumours and asked politicians to bring development to the county.

“This county has important history in governance and let us promote it more than we destroyed it.”

Mayom said that as a result of the fighting many children had fled to rural areas meaning that they had missed over two months of school as they were afraid to return.

“This is wrong and I need all schools to resume their teaching since security is normal and daily [security] patrol[s are] available” his said.

In July, fighting between the Waat and Ayeul resulted in 24 people dying and several more being wounded. The Malou-pec and Pagor payams [districts] are under daily monitoring from the security agencies.

So far last week, 22 people suspected behind the Cueibet violence were captured by South Sudan security forces and taken to the military prison at Lang-cok for questioning. The suspects are expected to appear in a special court on Friday this week.

Lakes state agriculturalists to receive government gift

The Governor of Lakes state Engineer Chol Tong Mayay has said that by the end of this month Friday’s will no longer be a half working day. Mayay had ordered the half day for all government workers to encourage people to take up farming to address South Sudan’s food shortages.

Lakes State’s Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Benjamin Laat Mathou said that the areas that cultivated most successfully were Wulu, Rumbek East, Cueibet and the greater Yirol counties.

Governor Mayay said that the ministry of agriculture would offer a gift farmers who had produced the most in recognition of their hard work.

Despite recent insecurity in Cueibet County, which is located in the western part of Lakes state, many farmers have been able to produce high yields.

Cueibet County Commissioner Isaac Mayom Malek confirmed that his county’s farmers have done enough cultivation this year and praised the government for encouraging agriculture to fight hunger across South Sudan.


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