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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Humanitarian Bulletin South Sudan 4-10 February 2013

Humanitarian Bulletin South Sudan 4-10 February 2013 Highlights
  • Aid agencies mobilized to respond to heavy violence caused by cattle-raiding in Jonglei State on 8 February
  • Hygiene activities stepped up in Upper Nile State refugee sites, in response to a recent spike in Hepatitis E in all four camps in Maban County
  • Humanitarian assistance including food was provided to people returning to the disputed Abyei area, with over 21,000 people having returned since July 2012.
Situation overview Aid organizations were seized responding to multiple communities affected by insecurity across the country. In Jonglei State, a heavy outbreak of cattle-raiding related violence affected people in Akobo County, with initial unconfi rmed reports placing the numbers killed in excess of 100 people, and more injured. In Western Equatoria State, humanitarian assistance was underway to over 2,700 people displaced by December insecurity in Wau. Relief continued to be provided to people displaced from Abyei returning home, with over 21,000 people having returned since July 2012. Aid organizations continued to scale up hygiene activities in response to the recent increase in Hepatitis E in Upper Nile refugee sites. Border tensions between South Sudan and Sudan persisted, following little reported progress in recent high level talks between the two counties in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Unconfi rmed clashes were reported in the disputed Mile 14 area between Northern Bahr el Ghazal and Sudan’s South Darfur. Humanitarian Bulletin South Sudan 4-10 February 2013

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