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Sudan Tribune

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OCHA South Sudan Weekly Humanitarian Bulletin 18-24 February 2013

Humanitarian Bulletin South Sudan 18-24 February 2013 Highlights
  • Aid agencies are responding to over 23,000 people affected by inter-communal clashes in Jonglei State
  • Cattle-raiding on 23 February causes deaths, displacement and destruction of property in Warrap State
  • A fact-finding mission confirms food insecurity in Eastern Equatoria State.
Situation Overview Aid organizations continued to respond to the needs of 23,000 people affected by recent cattle raiding and clashes in Jonglei’s Akobo County and Ulang County in Upper Nile State. Another cattle-raiding incident on 23 February in Warrap State reportedly resulted in loss of lives, displacement and destruction of property. A fact-finding mission deployed to verify reports of food shortages in Eastern Equatoria State confirmed the prevalence of food insecurity in Budi, Kapoeta East, North and South counties. Household food availability declined considerably and many families are resorting to wild foods. Food security partners in Warrap State started prepositioning and distributing seeds and agricultural tools to enable early planting and minimize the impact of flooding on crops. OCHA South Sudan Weekly Humanitarian Bulletin 18-24 February 2013

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