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Sudan Tribune

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AU envoy accuses S. Sudan rebels of attacking CAR civilians

June 18, 2013 (JUBA) – An armed group from South Sudan, last month, attacked bases of the African Union-led Regional Task Force (FTF) and US special forces in Central African Republic (CAR), an envoy said.

AU Regional Task Force commanders pose for a photo in Juba, March 14, 2012 (ST)
AU Regional Task Force commanders pose for a photo in Juba, March 14, 2012 (ST)
Ramtane Lamamra, the commissioner for peace and security at the African Union, said the group attacked Obo town in CAR, before a combined force of the RTF neutralised the attack.

The 24 June incident, he said, caused tension in Bangui, the CAR capital, with the de facto CAR authorities agitating to forcefully deploy Seleka troops in Obo, after accusing the RTF troops of not protecting the local population.

Seleka is a coalition of rebel groups that toppled the CAR president, Francois Bozize in March this year.

“In view of the foregoing, I wish to underscore importance of stabilising the CAR, because the situation risks being exploited by the LRA to re-generate itself and step up atrocities in the region”, Lamamra said during the African Union Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) meeting on the Lord Resistance Army (LRA) on Monday.

He further said reports indicate that attacks and killings committed by the LRA in CAR were on the increase, since January and that the rebel group has been implicated of trading in ivory, and exchanging it for arms and ammunitions to sustain itself.

However, Phillip Aguer, the spokesperson of South Sudan army (SPLA), has denied the involvement of any south-based rebel group in the CAR attack.

“I don’t think we have South Sudan rebel elements operating at our border with Central Africa [Republic]. If an attack indeed occurred, then it may have been carried out by the LRA”, Aguer told Sudan Tribune by phone Wednesday.

He said it was the responsibility of the RTF, to which South Sudan also contributed troops, to contain activities of armed elements, such as the LRA.

Meanwhile, Uganda and South Sudan governments, Lamamra told the meeting, have expressed interest in participating in the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS)-led stabilisation process for the CAR.


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