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Sudan Tribune

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Doha document remains the basis of any peace deal in Darfur, El-Sissi

August 30, 2013 (KHARTOUM) – The head of Darfur Regional Authority (DRA), Tijani El-Sissi, slammed rebels’ demand to abandon the Doha Documents for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) reiterating it remains the basis for any negotiations aiming to end the 10-year conflict in western Sudan.

The chairman of Darfur Regional Authority and NLJP leader Tijani El-Sissi (Reuters)
The chairman of Darfur Regional Authority and NLJP leader Tijani El-Sissi (Reuters)
“We are original partners and signatory of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur and nobody can speak about ditching it”, he said in a radio talk show on Friday, stressing that the DDPF can be developed and they do not object new additions to its text.

He went to say that they reject the outcome of recent consultations held by the joint peace mediator with the non-signatory groups the joint chief mediator Mohamed Ibn Chambas organised last week in Arusha Tenzania.

He further disclosed they informed the new peace mediator, Washington through its ambassador in Khartoum and other peace partners of this position.

El-Sissi, who is also the leader of the former rebel Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) signed the DDPD with the Sudanese government on 14 July 2011. Another group, JEM-Bashar also signed the framework text and concluded a deal with Khartoum on 6 April 2013.

The mediation last Tuesday released a two-page statement entitled “Outcome Statement on the Consultations in Arusha” where it detailed the 12 positions of the two rebel groups that took part in the meeting and announced they would meet the again next October.

The mediator who repeated in his speech the position of the African Union Peace and Security Council about the need to resume talks on the basis of the DDPD, met with Amin Hassan Omer, state minister at the Sudanese presidency who is tasked with peace in Darfur and El-Sissi to present Arush outcome.

Omer rejected rebels’ demand for a comprehensive peace process where Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile be discussed in one forum. The holistic approach proposed by the rebels is supposed to lead to a new constitution and general elections that could operate a peaceful regime change in Sudan.

Some international actors confess their support for a comprehensive process to end armed conflicts in Sudan and to establish a democratic regime in Sudan but reject rebels’ call overthrow the regime. However they did not take a clear position against the DDPD, but emphasis on Khartoum’s failure to fulfill its commitments, observers say.


Also read: Outcome Statement on the Consultations in Arusha

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