Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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East African Breweries open new depot in Juba

September 8, 2013 (JUBA) – East African Breweries Limited (EABL) has unveiled a new depot in the South Sudan capital to lower operational costs among its distributors.

Jojo Bonney, EABL South Sudan managing director speaks at the event (nilefortune/R. Mugume)
Jojo Bonney, EABL South Sudan managing director speaks at the event (nilefortune/R. Mugume)
The newly-built facility is designed to store up to 100,000 beers cases, officials said.

Jojo Bonney, EABL South Sudan managing director, said the new facility will operate with world class systems and processes, ensuring the highest standard of health, safety and efficiency.

“The investment we are commissioning today [Friday] is a bold statement of resolve to directly respond to our growing consumer needs in the larger East African market and a positive reflection of our huge endorsement for the great future South Sudan market holds”, Bonney said at the official launch in Juba Friday.

He said EABL has been operating a business model in the country where it delivers brands like Guinness, Pilsner and Uganda Waragi to build small medium enterprises.

“We have set ourselves strategic goals. We intend to bring on Nairobi, Kampala business to Juba that’s why we are here to witness this journey,” Bonney stressed.

John Kihoro, the EABL country manager said the company aims at supplying a wide range of leading products from the company’s brand portfolio, not available in the new nation.

Meanwhile, Central Equatoria Minister for Information urged EABL to provide opportunities to locals, adding that farmers would sell their products to the company, once a distilling plant is established.

“Many people have come to this country as registered investors but end up being petty traders”, Jacob Aligo said.

Jashinto Genye, the non-executive director of EABL South Sudan expressed optimism that the company will positively impact on the development of the two-year old nation.

EABL is a large regional brewing company which reportedly owns 100% of Kenya Breweries, 98.2% of Uganda Breweries, 100% of Central Glass – a glass manufacturer, among other entities.


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