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Sudan Tribune

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Floods displace thousands of families in Jonglei

September 9, 2013 (BOR) – More than 5,000 families have been displaced in Jonglei state’s capital, Bor, by heavy floods caused by the rapid rise of the White Nile River.

Rising flood waters have affected almost three-quarters of Jonglei's Bor town (ST)
Rising flood waters have affected almost three-quarters of Jonglei’s Bor town (ST)
In response the state government has formed an emergency committee headed by the state minister of law enforcement, Duop Lam, to address the flooding that has also Pangak, Pigi, Twic East and Ayod counties among others.

The commissioner of Bor County Agot Alier, in press statement to Sudan Tribune on Monday urged the youth and strong men and women to “stand up and start supporting government efforts” to urgently rescue people affected and to help to stop the floods where possible.

“Since it is a disaster, we have to put our efforts together to help our people”, he said.

A number of families camped at the roadside in Bor at Hai-Machuor round about in Bor September 4, 2013 (ST)
A number of families camped at the roadside in Bor at Hai-Machuor round about in Bor September 4, 2013 (ST)
The flood has affected almost three-quarters of Bor town including Panapet, Malual chat, Thon-buor, Panjak, Lekyak and many more since it began last week.

Jonglei’s state government has vowed to assist flood-affected communities in several parts of the state capital, Bor.

However, over the weekend, Sudan Tribune witnessed little assistance being offered to displaced people.

The state’s acting governor, Gabriel Gai, said last week that the government would do more “to make sure that people are evacuated in those most affected areas”.

“What we [have] done as a government it is to make sure that the people are evacuated in those affected areas, they have been moved to areas that are safe for their living”, said Riam.

Displaced in Bor town relax while seated on chairs in the flood, September 4, 2013 (ST)
Displaced in Bor town relax while seated on chairs in the flood, September 4, 2013 (ST)
On Friday last week, the Mayor of Bor town municipality announced a state of emergency in town due to high flood, a decision that was criticised by officials in the state executive, who said it was beyond his mandate to make such a high-level decision without consulting the government.

Duop Lam who chaired the emergency committee, said only the executive could declare a state of emergency and come up with the modality of announcing the issue after proper consultation with the national government in Juba.

Gai says his authority is working hard to identify safe places for people to stay until the flood water recedes.

The Red Cross in Bor has helped evacuate people from the flood and the government has opened Bor A and Bor primary schools for residents to temporarily housed. Bor secondary school is also accommodating a large number of people.

Since last week, soldiers from the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) have been working to stop the advance of the flood water.

A number of government ministries at Dikurut, including compound of the UN refugee agency near Diam-diam hotel has severely affected.


ST – Jonglei: government, UN to construct flood-control dykes

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