Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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MPs call for more troops in Jonglei to protect civilians

October 27, 2013 (BOR) – The Jonglie state assembly has called on the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) to deploy soldiers in areas inhabited by armed Murle civilians and Yau Yau rebels.

Displaced people from Mareng villagers arrive in the Jonglei capital, Bor. 27, October 2013 (ST)
Displaced people from Mareng villagers arrive in the Jonglei capital, Bor. 27, October 2013 (ST)
“There is need for more SPLA forces to be deployed to protect civilians and their property,” said Jonglei Speaker, Peter Chol in a press statement on Thursday last week.

The statement said that the assembly in a sitting on October 23 condemned the recent attack on the people of Twic East by a group of armed Murle youth and David Yau Yau rebels.

On October 20, Murle youth and rebels attacked Twic East, killing 79, wounding 88.

The assembly also appealed to humanitarian organisations to offer “immediate emergency response relief food and non-food items to those affected by this senseless violence as soon s possible.”

The attack in Twic East sent shock waves and fear in Bor County. Most people in the county are moving towards the state capital for protection.

Ayen Ayuen, one of the residents of Bor told Sudan Tribune that after the attack they do not sleep at night due to fear, adding that he had walked 12 kms on foot towards the state capital in search of safety.

“We did not sleep last night. People from Kolnyang came and got us in Mareng in the middle of the night. They told us that the attack was about to happen in Kolnyang and Anyidi.”, he said

According to Ayuen, the planned attack had been disclosed by one of the Murle men serving in the SPLA garrison of Kolnyang.

“He claimed to had received a call from one of the Murle men asking him to move out of Kolnyang to save his life”, he said, adding they evacuated their village during the night and moved on food to Bor with their children.


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