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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan army claims series of key victories against rebels in South Kordofan

December 20, 2013 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) said that it recaptured Abu Al-Hassan area which represents a mobilization, administrative, and operations command of the rebel Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) in South Kordofan state.

A SPLA-N rebel soldier sits amongst ammunition that was seized from the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) during fighting in the Nuba Mountains, in South Kordofan on 25 April 2012 (Photo: ADRIANE OHANESIAN/AFP/GettyImages)
A SPLA-N rebel soldier sits amongst ammunition that was seized from the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) during fighting in the Nuba Mountains, in South Kordofan on 25 April 2012 (Photo: ADRIANE OHANESIAN/AFP/GettyImages)
The SRF consist of several Darfur rebel movements and Sudan People Liberation Movement North (SPLM-N) which is fighting government troops and their allied militia the Popular Defense Forces (PDF) in South Kordofan and the Blue Nile states since 2011.

In a statement issued on Friday, SAF claimed that it achieved a series of victories against SRF in Jebal areas in South Kordofan and drove its forces out of Abu Domoa, Kujoria, Al-Waliat, Shingil, Al-Karko, Kiga Al-Khail, Kaling, Al-Higair, Habail, Um Baraka, Higair Sinaina, Al-Rokeb, Al-Dhiainat, Ambir, Higair Yassen, and Al-Garsha.

In Abu Al-Hassan area, SAF said it seized large quantities of weapons, ammunition, and military equipments and pointed that several SAF soldiers were killed and wounded, affirming that it is pursuing the remnants of the SRF.

“Residents of all those areas have welcomed SAF with joy because it liberated them from rebels who looted their property and money”, added the statement

Last month, the Sudanese defense minister, Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein, announced the beginning of the summer military operations which aims to end rebellion in Darfur, South Kordofan, and Blue Nile.

Meanwhile, the SPLM-N spokesperson, Arnu Ngutulu Lodi, in a statement issued on Friday said that 8 people from one family were killed in aerial attack in Tirmo village in South Kordofan.

Lodi asserted that SAF has been carrying out aerial attacks on several villages in Rashad county in South Kordofan state including Shamshaka, Kaling, Aradaiba, Deain, and Al-Farsha since late November, leading to several deaths and massive displacement.

“The displaced people who are more than 20, 000 are in dire need of humanitarian assistant. They lack shelter, food and medicine”, he added

Sudanese officials say they seek to reach a negotiated settlement of the conflict in South Kordofan and Blue Nile. The SPLM-N rebels say on the other hand they want a comprehensive process for peace in the whole Sudan.

The African Union mediation team organized a fruitless meeting between the two sides last April, but failed to bring the two parties to the negotiating table again.


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