Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

I first asked him for reaction over HRW’s…

I first asked him for reaction over HRW’s allegations that both sides carried out an alleged extrajudicial executions based on ethnicity and continuing reprisal killings.

“Killing of Nuer civilians in Juba was ordered by Salva Kiir himself when he appeared in military uniform on national TV on December 16, 2013 and declared his loyalists must crush all Nuers and Riek Machar associates”

Question: Are you saying there was mass slaughter against ethnic Nuers in the capita by Kiir government?

“This killing of Nuers in Juba continued to date; more than 20,000 people were killed in Juba alone. What did Salva did about this?”

Question: Are you denying your forces have nothing to do with the alleged crimes?

“We are not denying innocent persons lost life in Malakal, Bentiu or Bor and in all other states even though you can’t compare this to numbers killed in Juba”

“The lost of life of one individual South Sudanese is important as thousands life lost”

Question: what is your opinion with regard to HRW’s request for AU panel to quickly launch probe over the alleged possible war crimes?

“We shall cooperate with UNIMISS and other agencies to investigate these violations and those found guilty must face the law”

Question: In the latest report, HRW has accused Machar forces of looting civilian properties including humanitarian aid in Bentiu, Rubkona and else where they were in control.

“That is not true; Rubkona was looted and burnt down by Salva Kiir forces, JEM and SLA”

Question: can you tell me what these joint forces have looted?

“In Leer town alone they looted 53 cars belonging to NGO’s, they looted Banks and took civilian properties”

Question: will you admit members of Riek Machar forces as well have committed such crimes including ethnic based killings?

“Any of our SPLM/SPLA in opposition implicated in any crime shall face the law”.


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