Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan expects to increase oil production by the end of this year

April 23, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan’s minister of oil, Makkawi Mohamed Awad, has announced that the Sufian oilfield in Block 6, which falls under the concession of Petro-Energy Operating Company (PEOC), will become functional by the end of this year.

A Sudanese worker inspects burnt out oil pipes in Heglig on April 24, 2012. (AP)
A Sudanese worker inspects burnt out oil pipes in Heglig on April 24, 2012. (AP)
Makkawi, who made a two-day inspection tour to Sufian oilfield, announced that technical studies proved the existence of large oil reserves in the field, saying oil production from Sufian oilfield would boost the national economy.

He also said that seismic survey of Shawka oilfield comes within the framework of PEOC to expand its oilfields in bloc 6 in order to achieve the higher productivity, underscoring the need to work according to a unified system and a specific timetable to meet the challenges of beginning production.

Seismic surveys are used to locate and estimate the size of underground oil and gas reserves. Seismic images are produced by generating, recording and analysing sound waves that travel through the Earth.

The oil minister pledged to overcome all problems facing the oil industry in the country, hailing the Sudanisation of jobs at PEOC which reached more than 90%. He said that this percentage would enable Sudan to become a leading country in oil industry.

Sudan lost 75% of its oil reserves after the southern part of the country became an independent nation in July 2011, denying the north billions of dollars in revenues. Oil revenue constituted more than half of the Sudan’s revenue and 90% of its exports.

Sudan currently produces 133,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd). The country’s production is stationed mainly in the Heglig area and its surroundings, as well as western Kordofan.

Following South Sudan’s secession, several foreign companies started exploration in new oil fields.

A Saudi company is currently working in Block 12, located in Sudan’s north-western corner near the borders with Libya, while a Canadian company shares exploration with the Sudanese company Sudapet in Block 14.

Sudan Energia is working in Block 18 which is located to the west of the river Nile. Block 11 is located in Kordofan, while Block 9 is located in the Gezira, Khartoum, and River Nile states.

Blocks 13 and 14 are on the Red Sea coast, while Blocks 19, 22, 21 are inside the Red Sea. Block 10 is located between Kassala and Al-Gedaref states in eastern Sudan, and Block 8 is located in Sennar state.


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