Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese FM says government disarming Janjaweed militia

Sudan_fm-3.jpgANKARA, Jluy 27 (AFP) — Sudan’s foreign minister said Tuesday his government was disarming the Janjaweed militia in the Darfur region, but that other Arab militias could not be expected to lay down their arms until local rebels had done the same.

“The cantonment of the rebels and the disarmament of the militias and of the Janjaweed should be done simultaneously,” Mustafa Osman Ismail said.

“We have already started arresting the Janjaweed, but the militia will not disarm themselves unless they know that the rebels come out from within the civilians and that the tribes will be safe from the attack of the rebels,” he said.

The Darfur conflict pits government forces and allied Arab militias against two rebel groups who have accused successive regimes in Khartoum of neglecting their region.

The international community has called for disarming the Arab militias blamed for slaughtering civilians in western Sudan and precipitating a famine in the area.

“The rebels should be held responsible for any atrocities, destructions or violation which took place due to this conflict,” said the Sudanese foreign minister who was visiting Turkey after a tour of European countries.

The conflict has claimed up to 50,000 lives and about 1.2 million have been displaced, with around 200,000 people taking refuge in neighbouring Chad. Clashes persist despite an April ceasefire.

Ismail said his government was not opposed to the presence of foreign observers on the ground to monitor the ceasefire, but added that there was no need of foreign armed forces in the region.

Some 80 foreign monitors are already on the ground, he said.

“The government, the security people, they are doing their best to implement what was agreed with UN secretary general and the EU summit resolution.

On his visit to Sudan in early July, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan got Khartoum to agree to a series of steps, including the immediate disarming of the militias it is accused of supporting, and improving access for aid workers.

EU foreign ministers have also called for similar measures.

“We’re doing it… why jump and talk about foreign troops and intervention. Who is ready to bring his forces to Darfur?” the minister added.

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