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Sudan Tribune

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E. Equatoria governor appoints commissioners, administrator

By Ijoo Bosco

May 8, 2014 (TORIT) – The governor of South Sudan’s Eastern Equatoria on Wednesday issued several decrees appointing new heads of commissions and an administrator.

Eastern Equatoria state governor Louis Lobong Lojore speaking at a ceremony in the capital Torit, May 8, 2014 (ST)
Eastern Equatoria state governor Louis Lobong Lojore speaking at a ceremony in the capital Torit, May 8, 2014 (ST)
Governor Louise Lobong appointed Emilio Igga Alimas as the chief administrator for Madi corridor in Magwi county, ending months of speculation among the area population.

The new changes, according to the decree, are meant to steer up development in the various government institutions within Eastern Equatoria state.

Lobong appointed Wilson Lolup Lopatu, the new chairperson for state investment and development corporation commission, Alex Lopeyok Minit in charge of state fiscal planning, monitoring and evaluation commission, Claudio Suleiman Liling in-charge of peace commission and Benaiah Benjamin Kitara for revenue authority.

A separate decree was also issued regarding the appointment of new deputy chairpersons for the various state commissions.

These include, Joseph Sebit Quarrto (investment and development corporation), Joseph Napengiro Kamilo (fiscal planning, monitoring and evaluation), John Savio Otwor (peace commission) and Simaya Hellen Pasquale will oversee the state revenue authority.

Governor Lobong, in the decree, stressed the importance of hard work, but urged the newly appointed Magwi county administrator to unite the Madi people with other tribes to pave way for prosperity.

“This is not dividing people, we are being pushed by some of your elites who have been agitating people and people are sticking of their problem saying they are not getting government services or feeling government present in the region, prompting them to take that decision for creating what they demand”, he said.

The newly appointed officials were given three months to come up with programs and policies for implementation in their dockets.

“The state government wants to see how best they will meet the interest of the community they are tasked to serves,” said Lobong.

He also warned the state the newly appointed officials not to knock at his door demanding for mobility money, but rather devise meaningful projects that can be funded by government.

Last month, the governor issued an executive order sacking four senior members of his administration as well the secretariat general of the state. These state positions since remained unoccupied.

The governor also appointed Epone Emmanuel Lolimo, the state youth union president, as a member of Eastern Equatoria assembly.

Meanwhile, the newly appointed commissioners will be sworn in to office today at a ceremony to be witnessed by the state governor.


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