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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan president removes Pibor commissioner

August 14, 2014 (JUBA) – South Sudanese president Salva Kiir has removed Pibor county commissioner Joshua Konyi following the establishment of a new administrative area headed by the former rebel David Yau Yau.

The South Sudan government delegation and their SSDM/A Cobra faction counterparts after sigining a final peace deal in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 9 May 2014 (ST)
The South Sudan government delegation and their SSDM/A Cobra faction counterparts after sigining a final peace deal in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 9 May 2014 (ST)
The executive order issued on Wednesday did not cite any reasons for relieving the commissioner, although presidential sources say the measure was meant to allow the new chief administrator to decide on who should be in his cabinet.

The presidential order broadcast by the official South Sudan Television (SSTV) went into effect on 12 August, the same day Yau Yau was sworn in as chief administrator for the Greater Pibor area.

The swearing-in-ceremony before Kiir was attended by chief justice Chan Reec Madut and the minister in the office of the president, Awan Guol Riak.

Konyi who is also a brigadier general in the South Sudanese army (SPLA) will now be reinstated to active military service.

Yau Yau was officially appointed on 30 July as chief administrator of the Greater Pibor area following a peace agreement signed by the South Sudanese government and Yau Yau’s South Sudan Democratic Movement Cobra faction on 9 May.


Speaking to the members of his cabinet at South Sudan Hotel in Bor, Jonglei, governor John Kong Nyuon announced that he would keep the current state government officials from Pochalla and Pibor counties till he receives new directives from Juba.

The governor reacted to calls for the removal of the greater Pibor constitutional post holders from the state administration.

“Better you have to wait, and see what the government will do. It is not for you to say what will be done, the government knows what to do and when,” said Nyuon.

“There are people beating drums in Juba, and now they want us to join them, that cannot happen. We have constitutional post holders from Pibor with us, if Pibor is completely detached from Jonglei politically and administratively, we will be informed by Juba,” he added.

“I know all of us had heard about this agreement, but we did not understand it. The main thing is that we want peace in the country,” the governor said.

In accordance with the peace agreement brokered by the South Sudanese church a special territorial administration called Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) will be established in Pibor enabling the Murle ethnic group to manage their area.

During peace talks, the government chief negotiator, Canon Clement Janda, said the Administrative Area will be based on the principle of decentralisation of government in the country.

He further said the National Legislature shall determine legal position of the area and ensure proper implementation of the agreement.

The South Sudanese parliament ratified the peace agreement on 26 June.

“The establishment of Greater Pibor Administrative Area [will] be done purely on administrative rationale is a healthier measure to address quite amicably the grim development failures that have endured the area,” party reads the resolution unanimously adopted by the MPs.

Jonglei state government encompasses several members from Pibor, including the deputy governor, finance minister and minister of gender child and social welfare.


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