Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Negotiation over South Sudan peace must be restructured

By: Kidi Samuel

One of the civil society organizations representatives described the peace talk to resolve the on-going conflict in South Sudan as a forum of vultures. Thus, he distanced himself from process. Indeed, the suffering of the people of South Sudan regardless of wherever they are is increasing with delay in reaching a peace deal. All roads except Nimule-Juba high way are inaccessible for delivery of basic services, the prices of commodity are sky-rocketing, people in the most affected states are facing a looming hanger, people of have opted to leave the country are second class citizens in their countries of refuge and the list is long.

I strongly believe that the peace process continued in a chameleon pace and turned into forum for feasting and confusion due to the following;
1. The process has never been well structured.
2. The roles of the of parties in the negations were not well stipulated;
3. awareness to the warring parties over the roles of the mediators was not created;
4. some if not most of the mediators especially from South Sudan have limited knowledge and skills on the norms, conducts and ethics of mediation;
5. and above all, most likely, the two warring parties have no clear terms of references and code of conducts for their delegations and clear and agreed agendas for negotiation.

Therefore, for the negotiations in Ethiopia to yield peace in South Sudan, the parties involved must review the approach, strategies and structures of the negotiation. Thus, for a serious peace talks to take place, I am recommending to the parties involved to consider the following;

1. IGAD has to hold another symposium to;
A. identified who is a mediator in the up-coming round(s) of negotiation(s) from who is not.
B. educate those who have chosen to be mediators on mediation roles conducts and ethics.
C. educate the two warring parties on the roles of any mediator being an individual or an institution so that they stop accusing a mediator or killing his/her character in the course of hovering between the parties with hope of bridging the gap between them.

2. The two warring parties should stop funding or supporting any mediator to the conflict to eliminate conflict of interest which I have sense is on increase on the expense of peace.
3. The government and SPLM-IO must develop clear terms of reference, agendas to their delegations and make an effort to orient or train them on basic negotiation skills.
4. IGAD must confine the parties to the negotiation into the following;
a. Government delegation;
b. Mediators (IGAD, Individuals or institutions); and
c. SPLM-IO delegation.
5. IGAD must ensure that any individual, political party representative(s) such as Martin Tako and his team or Lam Akol, faith-base group(s), civil society organization(s) foreign or national name them MUST AND ONLY MUST BE IN ONE OF THE PARTIES CITED ABOVE.

The people of South Sudan need peace now and in future. However, peace is dependent on who rules whether a political party or individuals. Thus, the people of South Sudan must start sharpening their monitoring capacities on who shall be the next rulers of South Sudan who shall be able to rebuild trust for peaceful-coexistence and rehabilitate and sustain a vibrant economy.

Lastly, if anybody has a good intention for mediation kindly, note that you need not to be a South Sudanese, you don’t need approval from President Kiir or Dr. Riak and you don’t need to eat Angera (common food in Addis Ababa) as an appetiser or an energizer for mediation. You can talk formally or informally face to-face or using any other mode of communication to influential SPLM member(s), President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riak or anybody that you think can contribute positively to convince the two warring parties to reach to a peaceful settlement to the conflict while you are in Juba or anywhere on earth even if your communications are taped by Satan of peace who will accuse you to the people of South Sudan and the history will prove you innocent that you are not a vulture.

The author is reachable at [email protected]

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