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Sudan Tribune

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Nuer community in Uganda declares support for opposition movement

October 24, 2014 (KAMPALA) – Members of South Sudan’s Nuer community residing in Uganda says they have thrown their support behind former vice-president Riek Machar.

Nuer community chairman in Uganda Samuel Gai Kuiynin told Sudan Tribune last Wednesday that his cabinet, which comprises of representatives from both the eastern and western part of the country, had agreed to throw their supports behind the opposition group, which has been championing a federal system of governance for South Sudan.

Fighting broke out in South Sudan in mid-December last year after a political dispute within the country’s ruling party (SPLM) exploded in violence, reigniting tribal tensions across the young nation.

Troops loyal to Kiir, a Dinka, have been engaged in an armed struggle with pro-Machar rebels, mainly comprising of dissident soldiers and ethnic militias since the conflict flared.

Kuiynin told Sudan Tribune that Nuer communities throughout the Greater Lakes region could no longer remain neutral, saying it was obvious the government was not serious about the peace process, which is being mediated by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).

He has accused the Kiir-led administration of orchestrating the violence and appointing key government positions based on tribe, describing Machar as a legitimate revolutionary, who was fighting for democratic reforms.

“We support [a] federal system, where each member of [the] South Sudan community will be free for the jobs opportunity [and there is an] equilibrium that will mean a government without segregation or tribalism,” the Nuer community leader.

Kuiynin accused the government of mobilising a 15,000-strong armed force following the eruption of violence in the capital, Juba, who were responsible for deliberately targeting thousands of unarmed Nuer civilians based on their ethnicity.

He claimed Kiir’s allies were responsible for damning human rights abuses and atrocities.

“We will never forget the horrific and human torture by Kiir militias,” he said.

“Is this a kind of unity or disunity within the country that president Kiir claims legitimacy,” he added.

Gatwech Tot, a Lou Nuer chairperson in Uganda, has applauded Kuiynin declaration of allegiance, describing the move as a wise decision.

Meanwhile, Stephen Wat Bipal, who is the chairperson of the Phou community in Uganda, say his community stands firms in its support for Machar, saying the rebel faction’s armed struggle against the government was a just war against tyranny.

Several community leaders across the Upper Nile region have also declared their support for the opposition movement.

Those who have joined Kuiynin in pledging their allegiance to the rebel movement are listed below:

– Ter Manyang Gatwiech (Ayod county)
– Both Beliew Makuach (Fangak county)
– Sarah Nyabuath Majak( Payinjiar county)
– Biangoang Yok Nyuen
– Dabuol chan (Nasir county)
– Ochan Puoch (Ulang county)
– Nyoat Beliew Babuoth, (Phou county)
– Dak Both Koryom (Akobo county)


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