Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Darfuri official slams DRA lack of accountability, alleges corruption

January 4, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – The minister of reconstruction and infrastructure in Darfur regional Authority (DRA) Taj al-Din Bashir Niyam accused the DRA of underperforming and neglecting development projects in the restive region.

Tadjadine Bechir Niam (File Photo)
Tadjadine Bechir Niam (File Photo)
Niyam blasted the DRA business practices which led to a “clear imbalance” adding that the lack of accountability contributed to the deteriorating conditions and lack of utilization of funds and resources.

Last September, the DRA minister submitted his resignation over disagreements with DRA chief al-Tijani al-Sisi about his policies and management style in the DRA as well as the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) in which he holds the post of Political Secretary.

He revered his decision after intervention from Darfuri figures.

LJM is formed of 19 small factions that had splinted from the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) and Justice and equality Movement (JEM). It also gathers different ethnic groups and gives a positive image of unity of Darfur rebels who are so criticised for their divisions.

The former rebel group is also the main signatory of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD). The DRA which is tasked with the implementation of the framework agreement.

Niyam also said during his meeting with the Federation of Employers in Nyala, the capital of South Darfur state on Sunday, that were the $2 billion of the DRA funds been used appropriately it would have contributed to changing the lives of the people of Darfur on the ground.

He claimed that most of that money went to the pockets of some without naming them.

The minister said that total funds used in Darfur do not exceed $200 million and expressed surprise at the delay of appointing the Chairman of the Darfur Reconstruction Fund for more than 4 years especially given that the DRA mandate expires in July.

He did not rule out extending the DRA mandate by the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) noting that despite the deficiencies, it represents a gain that was supported by the government.

“But there were shortcomings from those in charge of the DRA” he added.

In response to questions from businessmen on defective Nyala power generators that were launched recently by the DRA, Niyam said he received information about their glitches beforehand and wrote a letter to the DRA to have them examined but that DRA officials ignored him and put them in service three days after his withdrawn resignation.

He noted that production of electricity generators in all the states of Darfur equal 39 megawatts while Um Rawaba generator alone produces 60 megawatts.

Niyam pointed out that it is better for the DRA to award implementation of local projects to local companies, but that the opposite happened.

But he blamed the businessmen by saying “You are not talking, and your silence is the biggest problem and no one is holding the DRA accountable”.


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