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Sudan Tribune

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French ambassador in Khartoum blocked from media centre event

January 17, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – A media centre in Khartoum prevented the French ambassador Bruno Aubert on Saturday from speaking at a press conference organised for a French expert in protest of the re-publication of cartoons depicting Prophet Mohammed in Charlie Hebdo satirical weekly magazine.

Protesters shout slogans against France and call for an apology while carrying banners during a demonstration against satirical French weekly Charlie Hebdo after Friday prayers in Khartoum on 16 January 2015. The banner reads:
Protesters shout slogans against France and call for an apology while carrying banners during a demonstration against satirical French weekly Charlie Hebdo after Friday prayers in Khartoum on 16 January 2015. The banner reads:
A statement from non-government Tayba Press media centre received by Sudan Tribune said that prior to the time set for hosting urban development expert Michel Cantal-Dupart, the organisers were surprised upon the arrival of the French ambassador who expressed his desire to speak at the same podium.

This prompted organisers to reject his request and tell him that the platform would be dedicated solely to Cantal-Dupart.

As a result both men left the event without speaking, the statement said.

Tayba Press said that their position cannot be separated from the general attitude of Muslims after the persistence of Charlie Hebdo on provoking Muslims in a manner that has no connection to freedom of expression.

Hundreds of worshippers staged demonstrations in Khartoum after Friday prayers to protest the latest issue of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, which features cartoons depicting Islam’s prophet Muhammad.

They held signs saying “Death to Charlie Hebdo” and “We demand an apology from France”, even calling on the Sudanese government to expel the French ambassador.

The French weekly was targeted by extremist militants last week in a shooting rampage that left 12 people dead.

The magazine’s first issue after the attack, released on Wednesday, featured a caricature of prophet Mohamed on the cover, an act considered blasphemous by many Muslims.

In anticipation of protesters, the police blocked off major roads leading to the French embassy and French cultural centre from early Friday morning after religious groups called for demonstrations against the cartoons.

Meanwhile, Khartoum state’s ministry of education has directed all schools to devote a class next Monday to glorify prophet Mohamed against the abusive cartoons.

Education minister Abdel-Mahmoud al-Nur said in press statements on Friday that they directed all schools in the state of Khartoum to “glorify our holy prophet by recalling his exploits and biography”.

He demanded all schools principals to personally supervise Monday’s class, saying “the directive also included holding cultural programs and activities to advocate for our holy prophet”.


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