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Sudan Tribune

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S. Sudanese clerics call for peace in Jonglei state

February 8, 2015 (BOR) – South Sudanese religious leaders have pledged to create peace in Jonglei state, saying the country was largely divided along tribal lines since conflict broke out in late 2013.

Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul at the consecration event on Ayod county on February 8, 2015 (ST)
Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul at the consecration event on Ayod county on February 8, 2015 (ST)
The Episcopal Church head, Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul led calls for peace while addressing more than 4,000 people who attended the enthronement of the Bishop of Duk diocese in Poktap on Sunday.

“This place was destroyed by the war created by politicians, and when they agree to share power among themselves in Addis Ababa, we shall not get a share at the ground here”, said Bul.

“In the church, we have no tribes, no Nuer and no Dinka. If you are Nuer or Dinka you will not be part of us”, added the Archbishop.

The journey for peace, he said, starts with preaching to communities.

“We are in Duk and we shall move by road to Ayod and meet with the people there on peace”, stressed the Episcopal Church leader.

“The importance of us having a church is that we want to make peace and the only people who can make peace among our people are the church leaders,” added Archbishop Bul.

Duk county was one of the places badly hit by last year’s conflict. For instance, 11 schools and hospitals were destroyed while hundreds of thousands of houses were burnt in April 2014 by rebels.

Archbishop Bul, however, stressed that repairs of damages cause by fighting can only succeed if there is peace among the various tribes.

“We want to take the message of peace to Ayod. The only way is to use the assistant Bishop of Ayod who is here with us, we go to the area and talk to the people there”, said the renowned cleric.

Meanwhile Thomas Tut was consecrated assistance bishop of Ayod and will work under Duk diocese until his county gets a full diocese.

Akobo was also named as an area administered by an assistant bishop to be under Duk diocese with the same status as Ayod area.

Tut urged the various communities to preach peace and not war.

“Can we come together to accept that we had done wrong to one another to bring reconciliation”? he asked the congregation.

He also appealed to the countries warring parties to come together, accept their mistakes and work hard to bring peace in South Sudan.

Politicians, intellectuals and government officials attended the religious event.


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