Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Protests erupt in Pibor over suspension of road construction

March 18, 2015 (JUBA) – Residents of Pibor town, the headquarters of the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA), protested on Tuesday against the government’s decision to halt construction of a major road linking the territory to Central Equatoria state.

“Many took to the streets demanding that the council of ministers reverse the decision stopping the construction of the Pibor-Girkidi road,” Pibor resident John Bateke told Sudan Tribune by phone.

The council of ministers suspended the construction of the road after it was discovered the route passed through Bandingilo National Park, located on the eastern bank of the Nile River.

Information minister Michael Makuei Lueth told reporters on Friday that the continuous construction of the Girkidi-Pibor road would have a detrimental effect on the ecosystem and wildlife in the park.

Lueth said the ministers’ decision was made following a recommendation from the minister of interior and wildlife conversation, Aleu Ayieny Aleu.

The road, which is being used by cattle traders, connects Juba with Pibor and means businessmen don’t have to take the longer route to Jonglei state capital Bor during the dry season.

Protesters in Pibor reportedly turned their anger on Bor traders, who hail from the same tribe as Lueth, during the demonstrations. One Bor trader told Sudan Tribune on Tuesday that they had been forced to seek protection at the army barracks.

The trader, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Murle tribe members believed Lueth made the decision to halt road construction and were blaming the people of Bor.

However, Bateke told Sudan Tribune the demonstration had been peaceful.


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