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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese opposition NCF says they do not support JEM attack

April 29, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – The opposition National Consensus Forces (NCF) said they do not support an attack by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) in South Darfur but reiterated that no dialogue with the regime before it fulfil their demands for a conducive environment.

Chairman of the National Consensus Forces Farouk Abu Issa (File photo/ST)
Chairman of the National Consensus Forces Farouk Abu Issa (File photo/ST)
The NCF which is a coalition of left and centre parties is member of the Sudan Call forces which include rebel groups and the opposition National Umma Party.

In his first press conference since his release from jail earlier this month on Wednesday, NCF leader Farouk Abu Issa reiterated the opposition rejection of the outcome of the presidential and legislative elections.

Commenting on the attack carried out by JEM fighters and the clashes that occurred in South Darfur state during the past days, Abu Issa underscored the commitment of the Sudan Call forces to a negotiated settlement of the armed conflicts within the framework of a national and inclusive constitutional conference.

“We do not accept their (JEM) manner, but at the end they are Sudanese who have grievances and rights,” he said. Further, he called to stop war, to open humanitarian access to civilians in the rebel held areas and to release political detainees.

Sudanese government forces said they crushed a large scale attack including nearly 400 rebel vehicles that crossed from South Sudan. On Tuesday, the Sudanese president visited his troops in South Darfur and praised the role of Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the operation.

JEM rebels say they also inflicted heavy losses on the Sudanese troops.


Abu Issa announced the NCF decided to stop talking about the national dialogue, unless the ruling National Congress Party accepts their demands for a transparent and productive dialogue.

He pointed that the opposition would focus on peaceful struggle to bring down the regime and continue a campaign they launched during the election against the regime.

“Leave(campaign) is not limited to the elections but it will continue and we will build on the position of the Sudanese people who refused to participate in the elections,” he said, adding “our alternative is the popular uprising”.

Abu Issa said the election would not add anything to the legitimacy of the regime but has decreased it. Adding, that the elections were a tough test for the regime because of the large electoral boycott.

“I do not pretend that we have realised (this boycott) through Leave campaign, but we contributed among others to expose these elections,” he further said.

NCF leader also said they are working to enlarge the alliance and to include broader segments of the Sudanese society in the coming period in order to overthrow the regime.

He further disclosed that a committee has effectively started its works to set principles and organisational structures necessary for this enlargement.

The Sudanese authorities criticised the alliances forged between the political and armed forces saying such rapprochement hurt the morale of government troops who fight the insurgents.


NCP political secretary Mustafa Osman Ismail told Ashorroq TV on Wednesday that security services dismantled sleeper cells inside the country which were supposed to carry out operations in conjunction with the rebel attack in South Darfur.

Ismail did not develop on the nature of these actions or the arrested cells, but he added that the opposition speaks since a while ago about a gift to be offered with the announcement of the elections results.

He further said they are still hope that Juba government cooperates and listens this time to the warnings of president Omer al-Bashir.

Bashir asked Juba to stop supporting JEM rebels and to disarm them and threatened to pursue JEM rebels inside the South Sudanese territory

South Sudanese government did not yet react to these threats.


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