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Sudan Tribune

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HRW calls for imposing sanctions over childrens’ humanitarian situation in South Kordofan

May 7, 2015 (NAIROBI) – The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) should consider abuses against children in South Kordofan conflict a war crimes and impose sanctions on those responsible for the miserable security and humanitarian situation there, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Thursday.

Nasra Sulliman, 55, with her grandchild inside the bomb shelter (foxhole) built just outside their home in Tingal village, in Southern Kordofan, Sudan (HRW/Giovanni Diffidenti)
Nasra Sulliman, 55, with her grandchild inside the bomb shelter (foxhole) built just outside their home in Tingal village, in Southern Kordofan, Sudan (HRW/Giovanni Diffidenti)
The international rights group, which investigated the impact of the conflict on the children, stressed that Sudanese government attacks on civilians and denial of humanitarian access “should be investigated as war crimes”.

“The United Nations Security Council should verify the facts and establish an arms embargo over the conflict zone. The council should also impose travel bans and asset freezes against individuals from both parties to the conflict most responsible for failing to facilitate aid delivery,” HRW said in its report.

A group of HRW researchers visited 13 villages in the Nuba Mountains last April. The team which, was in Nuba Mountains areas frequently hit by air-dropped bombs, focused on how children in the rebel held areas are affected by these hostile conditions.

According to the findings of this team, children in South Kordofan are twice as affected by the ongoing conflict as they are dying from air strikes, hunger and diseases.

“Children are literally being blown to pieces by bombs and burned alive with their siblings,” HRW Africa director Daniel Bekele, said. “They are unable to get sufficient food, basic health care, or education, and the situation is only getting worse.”

The statement said that HRW documented more than 100 civilian casualties in 2014 and 2015 from aerial bombardment or unexploded ordnance including 26 deaths of children and 29 cases in which children were injured.

The, Sudanese government and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement – North (SPLM-N) failed last December to reach a cessation of hostilities and continue the fighting.

The warring parties also failed to implement a humanitarian agreement brokered by UN agencies, African Union and Arab League aiming to provide civilians in the conflict areas with the humanitarian assistance.

Furthermore, UN agencies were not able to implement a polio vaccination campaign targeting children due to divergences over technical details of the operation.

The nearly four-year conflict started in June 2011 in South Kordofan state when the government threatened to disarm by force the SPLM-N fighters following disputed elections in Southern Kordofan. The conflict spread to Blue Nile State three months later.


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