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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan army halts offensive to capture rebel headquarters

May 18, 2015 (JUBA) – South Sudanese army (SPLA) has quietly suspended a previous plan to launch full scale offensive on positions held by armed opposition faction led by former vice president, Riek Machar, including their headquarters in Pagak.

Soldiers from the South Sudanese army (SPLA) sit on a pick up truck during a patrol in Upper Nile state capital Malakal on 21 January 2014 (Photo: AFP/Harrison Ngethi)
Soldiers from the South Sudanese army (SPLA) sit on a pick up truck during a patrol in Upper Nile state capital Malakal on 21 January 2014 (Photo: AFP/Harrison Ngethi)
Military officials said the plan to recapture rebels held towns in all the three states of Upper Nile region has been reversed by the recent defeat of government’s forces in many towns in Upper Nile state following the recapture of the state capital, Malakal.

A high ranking military officer told Sudan Tribune on Monday that the general command has decided to suspend previous orders and plans to advance and capture Leer, Akobo, Old Fangak and Pagak which are some of the areas held by the opposition forces.

“Given the current situation in Upper Nile state, the command decided to suspend previous plans and orders to move on the rebels of Riek Machar’s held positions as it was resolved, because of the international conspiracy,” a visibly angry looking top military officer told Sudan Tribune on Monday.

He blamed the rebels advance in Upper Nile state on western countries whom he accused of not accusing the opposition forces despite their advance against the positions of the government.

“You see the white man is the problem. You can see that the white keeps quiet when it is the rebels of Riek launching offensive on the position of our forces and make noise when our forces react in self-defence and follow the rebels of Riek Machar into their areas,” he said.

The senior army officer said western countries, including those who helped midwife South Sudan, have turned their back on the leadership of the country. He said the government will resist the conspiracy.

The government this week lost to the rebels Upper Nile state’s capital, Malakal, including several other previously government’s held towns including Akoka, Anakdiar, Kodok and Doleib hills following the fall of Malakal.

The chief of general staff, Paul Malong Awan, on Saturday told a military parade of the government’s troops marking the 32nd anniversary of the founding of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) that he had confidence in them to retake Malakal town within days.

Unofficial reports indicate that military sources on the ground fighting with the opposition forces told Sudan Tribune on Monday that government troops were battling it out with advancing opposition forces towards areas of Melut and surrounding areas in an attempt to capture Paloich oilfields.

“We are now reinforcing our forces in Melut and Paloich. We are also expecting more reinforcement to come today or tomorrow. The rebels are moving towards our positions but our forces are on high moral with all capabilities to deal with them and flash them out of Malakal. We will defeat them. We have enough forces on the ground,” he said.

Observers however said the joint operations of the rebel forces and militia group led by Johnson Olony have resulted to the government losing many towns and villages to the opposition group.


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