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Sudan Tribune

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NLJP resumes its participation in the Sudanese government

June 28, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – The National Liberation and Justice Party (NLJP) led by Tijani al-Sissi announced the resumption of its participation in the federal government 11 days after pulling its members out of the cabinet.

Tijani al-Sissi (SUNA)
Tijani al-Sissi (SUNA)
On 17 June, the former rebel faction suspend its political partnership with the (NCP) and to withdraw from the government saying the ruling National Congress Party didn’t honour an agreement reached before the elections to give them a minister and two state ministers in the federal government, besides several posts at the level of regional states

“The party decided to end the suspension of political partnership with the National Congress Party, and directed all its members holding constitutional positions in the government or the parliament to resume their activities from today,” said NLJP’s spokesperson Ahmed Fadel on Sunday.

Fadel further said al-Sissi briefed the political party in a meeting held on Sunday about the understandings reached by the NCP NLJP joint committees following what it was decided to resume the participation in the national government.

The NCP political secretary disclosed last Tuesday that the deputy chairman of the ruling party Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid met with al-Sissi to discuss the NJLP participation in the government.

The two parties didn’t reveal the details of the agreement.

The NLJP is one of two factions of the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) which signed the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) in July 2011. The other faction fromed the Liberation and Justice Party (LJP) chaired by Bahr Idriss Abu Garda.


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