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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s foreign minister invited to visit EU and Russia

June 29, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese foreign minister, Ibrahim Ghandour, has received separate invitations from the European Union (EU) and Russia to hold bilateral talks.

Ibrahim Ghandour (Photo Suna)
Ibrahim Ghandour (Photo Suna)
According to a press release from the foreign ministry, Ghandour received the EU envoy to Khartoum Thomas Ulicny who conveyed to him congratulations of the EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini on his appointment as foreign minister.

It added that Ulicny extended an invitation to Ghandour to visit the EU headquarters in Brussels.

The press release said that Ulicny handed Ghandour a written message from Mogherini regarding ways for promoting ties between the EU and Sudan and to enhance mutual understanding in all spheres including international efforts to resolve the human trafficking problem and to promote regional security.

Ghandour, for his part, underscored that his ministry seeks to develop and promote relations with the EU, pointing that Sudan’s location and status allows it to play an important role in the region.

The Sudanese top diplomat also received the acting charge d’affaires at the Russian embassy in Khartoum Sergey Meditov.

The Russian diplomat extended to him an invitation from his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov to visit Russia in September to promote bilateral ties between the two countries.

Ghandour, for his part, accepted the invitation praising Russia’s support for Sudan in the international forums.


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