Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Thirtieth June 2015 passed on Sudan without stirring dust

By Mahmoud A. Suleiman

Even though the writing about the anniversary in memory of the National Islamic Front’s (NIF) sinister coup to take power from a legitimate democratically elected Government raises outrage, sense of injustice and anger, reference to it remains timely. Moreover, at least people learn the lessons of history that may and perhaps illuminates the way for the current generations and other generations to come. One understands that people have suffered from the boredom of hearing such repetitive topics that have become as crying futilely over spilt milk. On the other hand, motionless silence will not serve the cause of the Sudan people under any circumstances. That said, I thought it worthwhile to delve into the core of the subject matter.

The Sudanese people from previous generations remember well the background of the political situation ahead of the National Islamic Front (NIF) coup. Nevertheless, younger people who were children or were born years after the coup remain in need to remind them of the political turmoil prior to the eve of the coup to spread the interest to them and the interest to the mainstream.

The Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM) in Sudan from the cloak of which created the NIF, the National Congress Party (NCP), the Popular Congress Party (PCP) and before them the former Islamic Charter Front (ICF) is a totalitarian putschist organization par excellence.

By the night of Monday 30 June 2015, Twenty-six- lean years have passed unheeded and have carved out of years that the people of Sudan attached great hopes and treasures. Thus, the Sudanese people are left languishing under the rule of the despotic corrupt regime of the National Congress Party (NCP), a self-styled gangsters’ organisation naming itself ‘National Salvation Revolution (NSR) or ‘Ingaz ’”meaning in Arabic rescue”. The NCP regime remains the archenemy for the people of the homeland Sudan. This fateful event must not pass without mentioning the tragedies it brought about to our beloved country and turned everything upside down. Ironically, the regime of the NCP does not even care to celebrate in commemoration of the occasion because, knowing that it will irate the public and provoke uprising of the Sudanese people. Because the mere mentioning of the word salvation-rescue- would infuriate the Sudanese citizens as this remind them the bitterness and the woes it brought under the false pretext of the so-called Turabi-Bashir concocted putschist National Salvation Revolution NSR).

The ill-fated military coup d’état was carried out by the (MBM) or the (NIF) under the directives of the Islamists’ Godfather Hassan Abdullah al-Turabi and executed by an unbeknown, at the time, Brigadier General Omer Hassan on Friday 30 June 1989. That coup dissolved the ‘democratically elected’ Government of Prime Minister al- Sadiq Siddig Abdelrahman al-Mahdi. Al-Mahdi’s government was derailing and ramshackle because of intrigues and plots hatched by the elite politicians in sectarian religious political parties against each other forgetting the rights of the Sudanese citizens. The disregard of the generation of political elites learning from past mistakes, ended in two previous military coups d’état ; in November 1958 and on May 25, 1969 led by General Ibrahim Abboud and Jaafer Muhammad Jaafer respectively.

It was unfortunate to the Sudanese people that all the successive governments, civilian and military, that ruled Sudan since the British colonials departed the country in the year 1956 that thought marking the ‘Independence’ their insight and conscience did not help them to give consideration to the rights of the Sudanese citizen. Those regimes abjectly failed in putting even the minimum sustainable development programme in a free democratic state abided by rule of law and good governance, free of nepotism and racism and tribalism and regionalism, the thing which has crippled the vast country Sudan remaining at the world’s tail of failed states. The legacy of failures of those regimes will continue haunting the people of Sudan for years to come unless drastic political reforms take place.

The history of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in Egypt and Sudan reveals that the organization failed in judgment, lacks political vision, and does not believe in diversity, and tolerance, and the right of the other to be the other. The ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM) does not much different from the ideas of the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) Caliphate State / Daash. It has become clear that the political Islam in all its applications, starting from Sudan and even Recep Tayyip Erdo?an’s Turkey, which is thought the best of applications, remain as putschist organizations that do not respect Constitutions, depending on the (secret organization / military), and do not believe in democracy and peaceful transfer of power.

However, the continuing burden of the regime of the Islamist National Congress Party (NCP) has exceeded imagination. The all-out war policy governance practiced and carried out by the despotic genocidal NCP regime to torment the Sudanese citizens need resistance by all the available means for ousting it. More than a quarter of a century of civil wars of attrition is enough. employing proxy militias and mercenaries from across the borders and perpetrating crimes of genocide in Darfur imposition of the scorched earth policy for displacing civilian populations in the Nuba Mountains, South Blue Nile State and the region of Darfur and along with plundering the country’s wealth and the suppression of political activists and oppression of the opposition to monopolize power for self and the hireling cronies.

We need to expose the ignorance and pomposity of the mere security minded despotic NCP Regime, the State of fundamentalist belief and empowerment. Concerted efforts of the Sudanese people in solidarity with the serious political opposition, both civil and armed group for ending the prolonged suffering of the population of the country by overthrowing the (NCP) regime led by the war criminal, fugitive from the international justice, the so-called Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, remains the only solution.

Martin Luther King jr the American Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement is quoted as saying “The worst place in hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral battles”. You are not defeated as long as you resist; Che Guevara.

Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. For more articles please visits his blog at https://thussudan.wordpress.com/

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