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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan softens stance on pre-dialogue meeting abroad

September 6, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – The national dialogue commission known as 7 +7 has indicated that it is open to holding a preparatory dialogue meeting in Addis Ababa which was requested by the African Union Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) but under certain conditions.

3rd meeting of the national dialogue national assembly in Khartoum on Thursday 20 August 2015 (Photo - SUNA)
3rd meeting of the national dialogue national assembly in Khartoum on Thursday 20 August 2015 (Photo – SUNA)
Last August, AUPSC invited the government and the opposition to a meeting at the AU headquarters in preparation for a comprehensive national dialogue but the government vehemently refuses to hold any round of dialogue abroad.

President Omer al-Bashir affirmed this position during a town hall with Sudanese expatriates in China last Friday saying there is no way dialogue will be moved out of Sudan. He assured that the government will provide sufficient guarantees for rebels to participate.

This position is shared also by the opposition Popular Congress Party (PCP) of Hassan al-Turabi which has grown closer to the ruling party since last year and after declaring its inability to topple the regime.

However, the supreme coordinating mechanism of the National Dialogue said it agreed to such a conference, but with the presence of rebels only and stressed that discussions then will be confined to guarantees that can be offered to them to join the dialogue inside Sudan.

A member of the mechanism by the name of Osman Abu al-Magd read a statement on this new position and expressed disappointment that rebels have not responded positively to the dialogue invitation since it was initiated in January 2014.

He said the mechanism appreciates the efforts of the AU High-Level mechanism headed by Thabo Mbeki towards achieving peace and stability in Sudan and its support for dialogue.

Abu al-Magd called on the AU to intensify its efforts in support of dialogue especially with the armed movements.

The relationship between Khartoum and the AU became strained after the AUPSC organized a hearing for the opposition “Sudan Call” forces on August 24th which led the former to condemn the move and describe it as “outrageous initiative” declaring its refusal for any foreign involvement in the process.

The AUPSC also issued a decision demanding that the government and rebels declare a ceasefire in Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

Bashir launched the national dialogue initiative more than a year and a half ago in which he urged opposition parties and rebels alike to join the dialogue table to discuss all the pressing issues.

But the initiative faced serious setbacks after the government refusal to create suitable atmosphere by releasing political prisoners, ensuring freedoms, and postponement of elections.

This prompted several parties and groups to withdraw from the process such as the heavyweight National Umma Party (NUP) led by al-Sadiq al-Mahdi.

In a related issue, the government sponsored Sudanese Media Centre (SMC) website reported that dissidents from the Sudan Liberation Movement of Minni Minnawi (SLM-MM) decided to participate in the national dialogue convention due to start in October.

The Vice chairman of the Leadership Council of the defecting group Adam Saleh Abakr told SMC that they categorically reject the AUPSC decision on pre-dialogue meeting in Addis Ababa.

Abakr disclosed that their efforts on persuading their peers to join the national dialogue have come a long way and will end with the participation of heavyweight figures soon.


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