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Sudan Tribune

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Dinka-inhabited counties in Jonglei welcome creation of new states

October 3, 2015 (BOR) – Proposals by South Sudan president Salva Kiir for creation of 28 new states in the country has been welcomed by the Dinka-inhabited counties of Jonglei.

South Sudanese preasident Salva Kiir (AFP)
South Sudanese preasident Salva Kiir (AFP)
The proposal was made Friday evening through a decree read on the state-owned SSTV

A group of youth, women and children from Dinka counties in Jonglei showed their support for Kiir’s proposal, saying it will enable people at grassroots to rule themselves.

Jonglei state authorities are silent on the president’s new directive.

According to the unconfirmed sources in Bor, the state government journalists working for SSTV and South Sudan Radio were allegedly instructed not to cover the demonstration where people shouted at the top of their voices, congratulating Kiir.

Akuei Kuereng, the chairperson of Twic East welfare association, backed the proposal.

“For the creation of 28 states in the Republic of South Sudan, I would like to appreciate the president for taking this bold decision. This is what we call decentralization, the process, or the transfer of the power, the functions, and the responsibilities for planning, management and administration to the people in the rural area”, explained Kuereng.

“This shows the SPLM vision of taking town to the people, has been implemented by the party of the people, for the people. We the youth of Twic East, are really happy that greater Bor is recognised as a state. We hope that the people will get better services, and that means there will be peaceful co-existence of the people of South Sudan”, he added.

He said the presidential decree that created 28 states will not affect implementation of the peace deal.

According to Kuereng, the creation of more states would not in any way be a breach of the signed compromised peace deal, but would help more in implementing it.

“Because that is what the SPLM-IO, and former detainees were requesting that the powers are support to be given to the people at the grassroots, and this is what the president approved, he answered the call of the people” he stressed.

Machar Machol Deng, a youth leader in Duk County said the country would be more stable than before. He said those who felt oppressed, less represented and not getting the right share from the national cake would now recognise themselves as real leaders in their own states, besides creating more job opportunities to youth all over the country.

“Everyone looks at it as means of creating peace and stability in and among the people of South Sudan. For instants, the creation of more states, would create job opportunities to youth, women and politicians as well”, he said.

Anyang Ajith, the Bor county youth association chaiperson, said the youth of Bor welcomed the creation of the states and were ready to stand behind president Kiir.

The current state of Jonglei, the decree says, is going to be split into, Western Bie state, that encompasses Fangak and Ayod counties. Eastern Bie state will comprise of Uror, Nyirol and Akobo Counties while Buma state encompasses Pibor and Pochalla counties.

Jonglei state would remain as a state for Dinka Bor of Twic East, Duk and Bor counties.

Inter tribal conflict between Dinka and Murle ethnic tribes would now to be addressed rightly, said Ajith.

“Now that Bor is a separate state [Jonglei state], it would be easy for the people, in the state council of ministers and state assembly to sit and make strategic plan on how to end this cycle of violence between Dinka and Murle. Before, we did not have a full power to decide how to manage the problem”, he added.

The youth activist called on the president to ensure that the new governor of the newly created state of Jonglei is a hard working person who prioritises roads and insecurity.

“The coming governor should be a hard worker. Somebody who will address issues of road and insecurity, that is our priority. This is not time for politics, it is time to work. Lack of development will create insecurity to others”, said Ajith.

An anonymous source who is close to Jonglei’s caretaker governor, he and his allies were not happy about the creation of more states, leave alone the timing for the decree.

The time announced for the decree of these states to be fully recognised was a short time, said the source, adding that governor felt isolated, as the people in Western Bie, whose large majority supported Riek Machar and his movement, would reject him.


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