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Sudan Tribune

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IGAD conducts public awareness on peace agreement in Jonglei

November 11, 2015 (BOR) – The East African regional bloc (IIGAD) that mediated South Sudan compromised peace agreement between government and its armed rebel group in South Sudan conducted a public awareness about peace implementation modalities.

An extraordinary session of the IGAD heads of states meeting in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa (IGAD File photo)
An extraordinary session of the IGAD heads of states meeting in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa (IGAD File photo)
Willfred Obaga, who heads the Jonglei monitoring team, urged the the people of South Sudan’s Jonglei state to understand the contextually of the peace deal signed in Addis Ababa by rebel leaders on 17th August and in Juba on 26 August by the government.

“The success of this peace is in the hand of each citizen in South Sudan”, said Obaga.

He said the Transitional Government of National Unity would be formed by the IGAD national constitution amendment committee, formed 21 days after the deal was signed.

“The Transitional Government of National Unity will govern for 30 months, and will be responsible for implementation of peace agreement, power sharing ratios to government, SPLM-IO, G10 and opposition parties, clusters of ministries to be shared and how composition of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly and the Council of States,” added the official.

The Transitional Government of National Unity will provide relief, resettlement and protection for IDPs, facilitate the process for national reconciliation, carry out the making of a permanent constitution, work with IGAD-Plus member states and organizations.

It will also, among its other core funtions, reform public financial management and devolve more powers and resources to the country’s states as well as counties.

The country will have 30 ministries, shared in the ratios of 53% to government, 33% to tje armed opposition, 7% to SPLM-former detainees and 7% to the other political parties.

The ministries are divided into governance cluster(10 ministries) economic cluster(13 ministries) and Service delivery cluster (7 ministries.


According to the agreement, African Union would form hybrid court for South Sudan to look into the recent findings of the African Union Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan.

The court will have jurisdiction over the crimes committed since December 2013, including war crimes and other serious crimes such as rape and sexual violence.

“No one convicted shall be exempted from criminal responsibility on account of his or her official capacity as government official or elected official. Individuals indicted or convicted by HCSS will not be eligible for participation in the government of national unity or its successor governments”, the agreement stipulates in part.

A host of lawmakers, , government officials and civil society actors attended the event.


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