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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan’s JMEC chairman calls on parties to expedite peace implementation

December 22, 2015 (JUBA) – The chairman of the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC), Festus Mogae, who is tasked to oversee the full implementation of the South Sudan’s peace agreement has urged the parties to expedite the implementation of the peace deal and form a transitional government of national unity as soon as possible.

A team of rebel officials and government pay their respects to the late SPLM founder John Garang at John Garang's Mausoleum in South Sudan's capital Juba, December 21, 2015. (Photo Reuters/Jok Solomun)
A team of rebel officials and government pay their respects to the late SPLM founder John Garang at John Garang’s Mausoleum in South Sudan’s capital Juba, December 21, 2015. (Photo Reuters/Jok Solomun)
Mogae, who is former president of Botswana, and appointed by the African Union (AU) to preside over the implementation of the peace deal signed in August between president Salva Kiir and former vice-president, Riek Machar, to end 21 months of war, made the remarks on Tuesday in Juba.

In his opening speech for the first meeting of the JMEC involving all parties, including the newly arrived members of the advance team of the armed opposition faction of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM-IO), led by the chief negotiator, Taban Deng Gai, Mogae commended the SPLM-IO for the arrival and said the meeting signified the starting of the implementation of the deal.

“Your return indicates the commitment you have to restoring peace and implementing the Agreement in South Sudan. Your return is not the end of the road, but the start of another important journey. With your presence in Juba, we can truly say that the chapter of implementation is now open. Above all, I would like to thank the GRSS [Government of the Republic of South Sudan] for enabling the first group of the SPLM/A (IO) to return, and urge both Parties to plan for the expeditious return of the second and third groups, in accordance with the proposed plan,” Mogae told the parties on Tuesday in his speech extended to Sudan Tribune.

He reminded the parties that there was no room for renegotiation of the peace deal, calling on them to immediately begin the implementation of the provisions in the document without any delay even if it would mean skipping some of the Christmas holidays.

The former president of Botswana last week submitted a timetable to the parties, detailing activities to be conducted and form a transitional government of national unity by 22 January 2016.

“The implementation calendar that I issued last week was necessarily ambitious. Some might say that we are being too ambitious, given the time of year and given the complexity involved. To the first point, let me respond that ambition is necessary. An accelerated plan is necessary. We have limited time to do things that should have been done weeks ago. We have to make up for the time lost. This can be achieved if we all work effectively and engage in good faith,” he told the officials from the rival parties.

“So, yes, let us revise the calendar in accordance with reality, and celebrate the holiday, but let us still pursue our tasks with the full vigour and determination that is required, even if that means that every day between now and the New Year is a working day, a working day in the cause of peace,” he added.

The powerful JMEC chairman went straight to propose the activities that he wanted to be achieved in agreement in the process towards formation of transitional government that will run the country for 30 months.

He urged the parties to ensure that the main pre-transitional institutions to be convened began on Tuesday through Thursday.

“These are: a. the Joint Military Ceasefire Commission (JMCC); for further action on security arrangements nationally; b. the Joint Operations Centre, for implementing security arrangements for the capital, Juba; c. the National Constitutional Amendment Committee (NCAC), begins the work necessary to technically conform the national constitution to the provisions of the Agreement,” he said.

He also wanted a feedback within the three days from the leadership of the Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring Mechanism (CTSAMM) about their activities and challenges, and see how best they could be supported in their efforts in future, adding the JMEC body would also hear from the parties on the status, to date, of the cantonment of rival forces.

He also directed the parties to do the selection of ministerial portfolios and also ensure that the process will lead to formation of an inclusive government.

“These should be our outcomes today. I intend to move forward with all of these steps, so that by the end of the year, I can positively report to the IGAD Heads of State and Government, the AU Peace and Security Council and the UN Security Council the status of implementation of the Agreement, and ask them, where necessary, for the action required of them to further support the peace process,” he further stressed.

He expressed hope that the momentum that existed will continue with concerted and meaningful action to implement the commitments provided for in the agreement.


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