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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese army denies bombing South Sudan’s Upper Nile

March 26, 2016 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) Saturday has denied carrying out new bombing within the South Sudanese territory of Upper Nile region, indicating that Sudanese rebels have no presence in that area.

A SPLA soldier looks at warplanes as he lies on the ground to take cover beside a road during an air strike by the Sudanese air force in Rubkona near Bentiu April 23, 2012 (Photo Reuters/ Goran Tomasevic)
A SPLA soldier looks at warplanes as he lies on the ground to take cover beside a road during an air strike by the Sudanese air force in Rubkona near Bentiu April 23, 2012 (Photo Reuters/ Goran Tomasevic)
“This morning at about 11:00AM, an Antonov belonging to Sudan Air force bombed our defensive positions at Babaneis east of Renk town in Eastern Nile State. A total of 12 bombs were dropped; one exploded near Battalion 109 Military Police post setting it ablaze,” said, the SPLA spokesperson, Brigadier General Lul Ruai Koang, in a press statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Thursday.

“The accusations of the South Sudanese army spokesperson are pure fabrication, and false allegations. It is a smokescreen for something else, ” SAF spokesperson Ahmed Khalifa al-Shami told Sudan Tribune on Saturday.

Al-Shami went further to say there no reason for the Sudanese army to carry out such attack.

“The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement -North (SPLM-N) rebels have no presence in the Upper Nile. Also the disputed border (in the Upper Nile region) of Jebel al-Megeinis and Jordah border area, do not have the same importance as Chali el Fil, Bebnis Pariang, Abyei, or 14-Mile Area,” he said.

Sudan has recently renewed accusations against the South Sudanese government, saying they support the SPLM-N rebels who are facing a large scale offensive carried out by the Sudanese army in Blue Nile and South Kordofan states.

The accusation bring back tensions in the relations between the two Sudans, as Juba also said Sudan resumed its proxy war against Salva Kiir government.

The Sudanese military spokesperson said the bombing that Juba claims may be in fact a mortar attack by south Sudanese rebels.

These accusations are an attempt to cover up the failure of the South Sudanese government to manage its internal crisis because “there is no concrete evidence to support these charges” he said.

In a separate statement to the official SUNA, Al-Shami further hinted that the alleged bombing might have been carried out by the South Sudanese army itself, pointing that the South Sudanese army is forcing Nuer population to move from the far east of the country to deprive the rebels of their support.

“It is well known that the South Sudanese army uses Ugandan aviation to bomb civilians to force them to to leave their areas and to put it under the Dinka control,” he added.

He further said that these accusations can also aim to justify Juba support for the Sudanese rebel groups after the leak of reports about meetings between South Sudanese defence and security officials with the SPLM-N and Revolutionary Front.


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