Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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SPLM-IO head of general staff arrives in Juba on Sunday

April 16, 2016 (JUBA) – The opposition faction of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM-IO) announced the arrival of its Chief of General Staff, First Lieutenant General Simon Gatwech Dual, to Juba on Sunday 24 hours before the return of the First Vice-President designate Riek Machar.

Alfred Ladu Gore (C) SPLM-IO deputy chairman  upon his arrival at the Juba international airport on April 12, 2016. (AFP Photo/Albert Gonzalez Farran)
Alfred Ladu Gore (C) SPLM-IO deputy chairman upon his arrival at the Juba international airport on April 12, 2016. (AFP Photo/Albert Gonzalez Farran)
”SPLA-IO will be sending (…) Dual to Juba ahead of Dr. Machar with other high ranking military officers from Pagak as well as non commission officers or NCOs. The top military leader is going to participate in swearing in ceremony on Monday,”. said a statement issued on Saturday night.

The SPLM-IO has already deployed 1, 370 of its troops in Juba in line with the agreed security arrangements. They will remains in Juba during the 30-months period of the Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU).

The head of the opposition faction is in Pagak since several days preparing the latest arrangements before to fly to Juba on Monday where he will be sworn in on the same day, despite the recent clashes in several parts of the country.

The statement called on the SPLA chief of General Staff Gen. Paul Malong to cease violations of the ceasefire agreement and continuation of attacks ”on our defensive position” in Western Bhar el Ghazal and Western Equartoria and to abide by the peace agreement.

The SPLM-IO further denied the accusations made by the Commissioner of Mayom County John Bol Mayak, that 2,472 heads of cattle were stolen by the opposition forces this week.

“As such, the claim that the IO is looting cattle is not true,” said the statement adding that “It’s the government allied militias who came out from Wangkei and Bentiu town and carried out attacks on our defensive positions in Tuarkiel, Waak Payam and other locations in Rubkona county”.

This is very unfortunate that government allied militias keep on disturbing the peace and operate independently with no order or unity of command from military Headquarters in Juba.


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