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Sudan Tribune

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S. Sudan’s Kiir calls for cooperation among cabinet ministers

May 1, 2016 (JUBA) – South Sudan President, Salva Kiir, has reiterated his calls for cooperation among new cabinet ministers in the newly formed unity government, saying the ministers should now see themselves as colleagues and work together as one unit to deliver basic services to the people.

South Sudan President Salva Kiir (C) poses for a picture after the government swearing in with his first deputy Riek Machar (R) and second deputy James Wani on 29 April 2016 (Photo Moses Lomayat)
South Sudan President Salva Kiir (C) poses for a picture after the government swearing in with his first deputy Riek Machar (R) and second deputy James Wani on 29 April 2016 (Photo Moses Lomayat)
President Kiir also said he would recognize those ministers who perform in their jobs.

“It will not be a usual business. Things will have to change. This time I will be watching closely because people need services and with this government they are expecting a lot. The expectations are high,” said Kiir on Sunday.

The president also encouraged competition in performance among the ministers but warned that it should be a healthy competition with the intention to deliver.

“There is nothing wrong with competition. What is wrong is rivalry that ends in hatred and undermining each other. But I would prefer to have a cabinet that is competing. If one is praised today you will say tomorrow I want to be praised more; this is what teamwork is all about and this is how we will achieve our objectives in a shorter period of time,” he said.

He told the cabinet ministers to always remember that they are one family and as a family team and as patriots, they should always remember that if one team member is down, all of them have failed the person.

He again stressed the need to work as a team saying nobody has the solution to everything except the God.

“Only the Almighty God knows all the problems and all the solutions as he has everything. Therefore, we need to work together as a team basing our hope, faith and destiny in the capable hands of the Almighty God,” he said.

Well, all areas are challenging and if the team captain thinks that work is difficult, what about the coach who would have to bear the responsibility for the performance of the team? But, where there is faith in God there is bound to be success[ful] and I have no doubt that we will succeed as a nation and we will build a type of great nation that we all yearn for and make this nation a better reference point in all positive human endeavours for the rest of mankind.”

The former rebel commander turned politician and became the president of the young country averred that he has more confidence in government than ever before.

“Because, the country has the resources that it takes to bring about an economic superpower status. But the resources have to be suited and used for the purpose. What are the resources I am talking about? I am talking about the human resources, human capacity,” he added.

President Kiir also informed the gathering that the country had the requisite natural resources that if used properly could propel the country into a greater nation.

He also stressed the need for attitudinal change and for people to be sincere and honest to themselves as well as the country.

“Many a time you see people castigate others that are honest and hardworking patriots of this country. Oh! That’s the president’s friend! Is it a taboo to be the friend of the President? If you are delivering you will be my friend,” he further remarked.

The South Sudanese leader went on to stress that whoever is hardworking and loyal to the nation is his friend, reiterating that his objective is to develop the country.

“So let us work as a team. The most important thing is that as a leader in your department and ministry you are the role model. The under-secretary is watching you and the director general is watching the under-secretary and the minister and everybody is watching. When the minister suffers from such negative attitude, the under-secretary, director general and all other people to the last person including the driver all become affected. What does that translate into? Nothing is done on time in that ministry. Undue favouritism is unacceptable too,” he stated.

The president made it clear that undue favouritism will have no place in his government this time around, decrying instances when people are treated nicely no matter what they do, while others are treated badly no matter what they do.

He also stressed the fact that people should remember that one day everyone will be judged by the performance, where there will be no driver and everyone will be treated according to their performance.

Speaking at the same getting together lunch, the vice president, James Wani Igga, also thanked the president for his foresight in the appointment of the new ministers, who he noted, are not new faces in cabinet as they have served previously.

He challenged them to continue their hard work, while praying that God continues to guide them to enable them to excel in their respective duties. He further remarked that with the accumulated experience they have different area, he is confident they will live up to the tasks.

“As I mentioned earlier, the work is more urgent now than before and under the leadership of comrade President we need to double our efforts. It’s a very turbulent but peace and stability reigns in the country, because of the guidance and protection of God Almighty and the sort of leadership we have,” he said.

The president told the ministers that their coming on board will help the country maintain that peace and stability to concentrate on more development.

We are here as one family trying to meet the objectives and the vision of the SPLM ,” he said.


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