Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese army vows to carry out more attack on S. Kordofan rebels

May 5, 2016 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) said it will continue military operations to on the positions of the rebel Sudan People Liberation Movement- North (SPLM-N) in South Kordofan.

SAF Chief of General Staff, Ltd General Emad al-Din Adawi,
SAF Chief of General Staff, Ltd General Emad al-Din Adawi,
The Sudanese army and allied militia since more than three months carry out the traditional summer military campaign on the rebel controlled areas in South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

The two warring parties have claimed victories, as the peace process is stalled and there is not prospect for a political solution.

Speaking to the troops of the 14th Infantry Division in Kadugli on Thursday, SAF Chief of General Staff, Ltd General Emad al-Din Adawi, said that the army will continue the summer military operation against what he called “SPLM mercenaries”.

Adawi further said the armed forces are “capable of forcing the rebels to accept the option of peace by the force of arms”, and pledged to continue operations until peace is achieved.

The Sudanese general reiterated the government seriousness to reach peace pointing to the signing of the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) brokered “Roadmap Agreement” last March.

He added that SPLM-N refusal to sign it demonstrate their unwillingness to reach a peaceful settlement for the conflict.

Since 2011, Sudanese Armed Forces is fighting the SPLM-N fighters in South Kordofan and Blue Nile. Some 12 rounds of talks between the government of Sudan and SPLM-N failed to achieve peace.

The Commander of the 14th Division, Major-General Yasir al-Atta, said that SAF have retaken the control of several strategic areas from the SPLM-N.

“SAF will prevail for the sake of peace and securing the homeland, after what the people South Kordofan state would enjoy peace and stability,” Al-Atta further said.


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